*notcot in me , 02:49

E-list- 06.11.06

My little project for the day - figuring out how to set up a double opt in e-mail list - to provide you guys with some visually enticing goodness in your email - b/c i know how happy i am when i get well designed emails with content i want - so while i don’t have the regularity of the list ready yet - just letting you know i’m working on it - and feel free to sign up now, and you’ll be the first to know when i launch one - and possibly even get some sneak peaks at works in progress before side projects go live. Also feel free to use that form to let me know more about what you’d like from us - or your ideas for email list content. I’m thinking we will initially shoot for once a month - and then a few scattered fun ones when we find things worthy of emailing. (You wouldn’t want me promising weeklies, and then force the content, right?)


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