*notcot in home+decor , 13:43

Bird Feeder Research- 05.09.08

Bird Feeders! notcotorg #4459 notcotorg #10021 notcotorg #625 notcotorg #2278 notcotorg #10478 notcotorg #10484 notcotorg #6633 notcotorg #10481 notcotorg #10491 notcotorg #10490 notcotorg #10488 notcotorg #10483 notcotorg #10485 notcotorg #3552Random spontaneous research of the morning - staring out the window at the finches that keep hopping along the sill and pecking at the window right in front of me, i started day dreaming about bird feeder designs, and as a result started hunting down unique bird feeders on NOTCOT.org - which naturally lead me to scouring the ends of the internet to see what else was out there. Here are 14 of the coolest things i found that don’t meet your standard/gawdy options… also i’m kind of wondering whether a bird feeder could be a fun next project for NOTConcept?

p.s. like all roundups, click the images to find out more!

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2 Notes

Haha, yup, it’s amazing how many artistic bird feeders there are out there these days. Though my parents just toss seeds and peanuts out on their deck railing for the wild critters (the stuff seems to get eaten just fine), maybe I should get them one of these. :)

----- Lindsay 12.05.08 00:26

nice roundup. some gorgeous designs in there, but im still partial to popoutz. =)

----- rugenius 10.05.08 01:38

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