*notcot in home+decor , 03:44

Artemide + DJ Kreemy (aka Karim Rashid)- 05.19.09

artemide0.jpg I suppose the real question is… How can you pass up seeing DJ Kreemy (Karim) spin and dance all decked out in one of his all pink outfits (down to the watch even!)? There was quite a line for the Artemide party once Karim was spinning, and it was really quite odd trying to explain to this older french couple that may have just happened to wander through Soho at the right moment what it was exactly that people were lined up for… Also hilarious to see more beefy guys in super tight tees, this time green with I <3 LED on them and serving appletinis… The Cadmo lights by Karim were quite beautiful as well, honestly i liked them far better in person than i had in photos that had been circulating. Take a peek at the grassy window display, Karim in action, the lighting, and the I <3 LED bartenders on the next page!











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8 Notes

Madcow- yes I have. But not any of his new products in the last couple of years. Has he become more commercial?… in that I have to agree, And yes he does seem a bit odd and he is overdoing it with the pink alot. But this should not take away from how good he is as a designer.

And as for Yves… well he is totally different, he is amazing. But every designer at one point when they they get hired by large companies become a marketing icon just like Karim. You have the Lovergroves, the Starcks and the Karims… it will always happen. Overall I still think Karim is an amazing designer.

----- Ruben.T 21.05.09 03:12

NotCot, do you really need to post such unwarranted negative comments? It’s very disrespectful and cowardly. I cannot say for sure what MS or Madcow would say to Karim if they ever met him in person; something tells me they wouldn’t mention the things they say anonymously.

These comments have no use and shouldn’t be allowed past whatever sensorship you have. Please, take more care to not let these people have a forum on your site.

----- OneMillion 20.05.09 11:44

Just had to weigh in… tho not many people will read this.

@Ruben: Ives Behar is brilliant, Karim is a marketing whore, don’t buy into his hype. Have you used any of his products? all form, no function.

@Anthony: Karim actually does deserve the DJ title as he did DJ for many gigs during his school years in Canada, i would know, i went to the same school he did (tho many years apart) and there are many photos and stories of his musical excerpts.

@MS: i agree, he is so full of himself he has gone from senile to just plain crazy.

----- MadCow 20.05.09 10:54

You can’t judge his DJ credentials either (unless you where there to hear it live). You can definitely judge (visually) his designs. And it’s okay for people to try and experiment in other subjects and terrains that have nothing to do with design.

And yes some architects have designed jewelry and various objects that have nothing to do with architecture.

----- Ruben T. 20.05.09 02:54

Different shades of pink, that is one senile grandpa

----- ms 19.05.09 21:35

Just a moment people. While I’m not able to dispute Mr. Rashid’s design credentials, and I must admit his pink suit is quite dashing. I have to disagree with the “DJ” title. Although the letters D and J used in conjunction and in that order have lost some meaning over the past decade, let’s not jump to conclusions. We should leave the moving of crowds via rhythm and beat to the professionals. What’s next architects designing jewelry? I mean “gooosh” Thanks for the ICFF updates. It’s been fun.

----- Anthony Tammaro 19.05.09 12:20

NOTCOT!! you need to post events, opening galleries and stuff that in New york!!!! So people can go check things out!!!!!

----- kidooo 19.05.09 12:16

Karim Rashid and Ives Behar to me are the best product/industrial designers. To have seen Karim live would have been monumental for me.You are so lucky!. He is one of the main inspirations when it comes to so many areas of design.

I have enjoyed your recents posts alot Jean. Thanks for sharing!

----- Ruben. T 19.05.09 07:55

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