*notcot in design , 11:13

Stretch Daily- 06.06.05

digitools.pngDaily photography, doodles, digital scribbles… Mark of Stretch Daily has accomplished what i always try but haven’t yet had the guts to post online. Daily brain bursts of creativity in some visual/auditory form. Some fun ideas… definite eye-candy when in need of some inspiration, a quick laugh, an unexpected thought. Via email from Gnash.

i am really enjoying this linking between photoshop and physical tools. See, you photoshop fearing lay men and women, it really is JUST like real life… only through your computer.

March 20, 2005. nice.

1 Notes

I don’t know if you are interested but in Creative Code (published in the 2004) there are similar (better) comparison between real and photoshop tools. cya, chr

----- Christian Giordano 08.06.05 02:43

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