*notcot in home+decor , 23:19

WetPot- 08.29.06

“Allow your plants to take care of themselves” - it sounds so freeing the way WetPot describes it, and is probably exactly what most of us need for extended vacations… it is a smart elegant solution, and i love that the clarity of the glass exterior lets you see how much your plant may be dehydrating soon. While i love it in the pics and new - my one question would be, will algae grow there? You know how it happens in fish tanks - and your plants will need sun… But in concept, its great, and even something that could be built in to normal looking pots, with a thin old styled thermometer strip to check water levels through. [via the Notcot/ThisNext tags below, as recommended to us by macandrew]


this is gorgeous jean! great find :)


----- Grace 05.09.06 09:35

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