*notcot in design , 18:10

Subway Empathy in NY- 03.18.05

subwayart4whybother.jpg One of those days, the world is somewhat against you, or friday afternoon, trying to leave any city in the direction of another city (aka trying to move more than a few feet in a car). You can get no where. It starts to rain. People can’t commute properly and endanger themselves and others in bad accidents. And the world is your parking lot.

Sound familiar? Well on subject of commuting… here’s something my sister came across down below the city while in NY. Full series of images post-jump. info and pics from Scribbling.net


Q. In the walkway that runs from the A train at Port Authority to the Times Square subway station there is a poem that runs along the ceiling: “Overworked/So tired/If Late/Get Fired/Why bother/Why the Pain/ Just get up/Do it again.” What’s the meaning of this sign that hits uncomfortably close to home?
A. The sign is not meant as a cruel joke but rather to relay an artist’s empathy for the commuting public. The sign was commissioned 10 years ago through the M.T.A.’s Art for Transit program as a temporary work. The artist, Norman B. Colp, said the work was inspired by the old Burma Shave advertisements that were seen along highways from 1927 to 1963. The signs were spaced a few hundred yards apart and were to be read one line after the other as you traveled along.

love it.
the empathy of the artist with commuters.
empathy in general is a good thing.
traffic sucks. (for lack of better phrasing, that will have to do for the moment.)


yay! my first contribution to notcot.com! =)

----- jus 18.03.05 19:30

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