*notcot in wearable , 16:26

Alex + Chloe- 05.16.05

alexandchloeShadow and Light collection These are funky/sleak, and the anti-bling. Think about it, you’re basically wearing a shadow or a former self, it’s the anti-jewelery. And i love the playful designs in shiny black pastic. Alex and Chloe is an LA based design label which encompasses that anti-bling indie/80’s rocker icon lover within. The overhwleming look of a mound of these on your neck, still hangs so flatly it’s rather understated. [note: these also come in gold, but i’m not as big a fan of those]

They were featured in MetroPop, which noted “…about this kind of loud fashion — it just doesn’t care, and feels comfortable not caring.” It’s certainly not about taking yourself too seriously, but still shows your flair for creating a “look” of your own.


cute! i’d get a bird for next year, but it’s so un-crowlike! =P

----- jus 21.05.05 15:04

they should make necklaces that say “kill steve aoki”

----- ahha 30.01.06 08:35

ALEX & CHLOE’s new line is magnificent. ALEX & CHLOE’s new line is magnificent. ALEX & CHLOE’s new line is magnificent. ALEX & CHLOE’s new line is magnificent.

----- JOJO 14.08.06 10:01

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