*notcot in design , 18:08

Metal Minimalism- 10.27.05

miya.pngIt’s minimalist steel… Miya just emailed me some images of her work, and they appeal to that part of me that has a thing for steel. Something so pure and industrial revolution about it, not sure what it is… her works remind me of Rothko, meets that warhol where he and his friends um had a little fun on that big piece of copper (after what i assume was much drinking?) and managed to have it hanging in the Tate. Anyhow sidetracks aside, take a look at the works of Miya Ando Stanoff, a minimalist metalworker with backgrounds in east asian studies from Berkeley and Yale…

Working solely in two-dimensional metal panels, she is ultimately interested in the study of subtraction to the point of purity, simplicity and refinement.


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