*notcot in food+drink , 21:49

Girly Drinks- 03.05.06

cocktailsbyjenn.jpgWhile content should matter, there are and will always be those items by the checkout that grab you based on flashy colors. So here we have Cocktails by Jenn, these pre-packaged party packs of Cosmos, Appletinis, Blue Lagoons, and Lemon Drops offer that nice hostess gift/fun party contribution for a girly night. I’m assuming stronger than wine coolers or those mixed fizzy things, but seriously it’s not that hard to make your own of these, so its all about the packaging… and with the cute plastic hat box like casing and the charms dangling on the straps, why not give it a try. A bit oriented towards that Sex in the City like crowd, and the site does feel oftly LA Sample Sale-like… interesting concept.


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