*notcot in wearable , 13:50

Happiness- 04.13.06

Colette is one of my most pleasantly inspiring sites to visit, no matter what mood i am in when i stumble upon it, those 2d black and white dogs just put a smile on my face. Not to mention the incredible little world they live in that is the store, etc - as well as the incredible collection of great designer goods. New things there are —- Smiley Perfume by Ora Ito, “first ever happiness factor in the form of a perfume” Who could say no to that? Imagine walking down the street spraying it on grumpy people… and then there is the Bourjois mini kit - now the trend the last few years has been the mini lip glosses on keychains (which i still believe is a brilliant idea since a) seldom do i finish a full sized lip gloss before moving on to the next and b) saves space and is always handy) Well with the trand of having electronic keys picking up, or your cellphone as your key - this lipgloss is ready as your phone/zipperpull! Cute twist on the current trend.


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