*notcot in home+decor , 18:39

Kattbank- 04.03.06

katbox.jpgIf there was ever an award for “best marketing imagery for a kitty litter box” this would take the cake. Wow. Look at that girl… that girl sitting on a litter box. Is there really much that needs to be said here?

On a more design oriented note - Kattbank a really interesting concept, and i’d love to hear some cat owners views if you try it out. Check out schematics for use after the jump. It discretely puts the cat’s litter box in a bench like piece of furniture (that yes, even drunk girls at parties may sit on) - and has air vents, easy cleaning opening on the top, a grate on the bottom to help get the little bits of litter off… perfect no? But what about cats? What if they don’t like being sat upon while going to the bathroom… and as for having it in a central place, how do you block out that scratching sound they make? [via d*s and far to fascinating]






I saw this on d*s the other day.
I do love the look but, having lived with cats my entire life, I’d still put it in the bathroom/basement.
Unless you are an absolutely fanatical scooper (following your cat around with the sccop perhaps) even the best/fanciest of litters won’t eliminate all smells.
There’d be nothing like sitting on your new designer bench during your cocktail party while the smell of cat poop fills the room.

----- Diana 04.04.06 09:12

I can’t wait till IKEA (it already has the taylor-made swedish name) picks up the kattbank so I can get one for $200 instead of $2000! Please, “fine european hardware”?? HAEFFELE 3.119
The idea’s funny, but let’s not get greedy.

----- richie guy 25.06.06 13:14

I recently purchased a kattbank which I can honestly say I thought I might be crazy. Kattbank exceeded all my expectations! My husband is an architect and he agrees that this product is top notch. It sounds like kattbank has it’s hands full with people like “richie guy” that do not understand craftmanship or design. Thanks again kattbank folks for such a great idea and product!

----- Kristi 27.06.06 09:32

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