*Jermacide in wearable , 21:45

Al’s Attire SF- 05.12.06

With the summer wedding season arriving for me, I decided it was about time to shed that off the shelf suit look, and see what I could find in terms of unique hand made suits. After a few weeks of looking and asking around, I got tipped off to Al’s Attire in North Beach, San Francisco. Just browsing the shop it was clear that Al had a unique style and flair that really showed his passion for his work and a certain whimsy that I loved. From the hand sewn multi-colored button holes and hidden color-burst under the collar, to the bright silk linings his style gives a suit that fun when you want it feel, all hand cut/sewn and customized to your needs for a whole lot cheaper than you’d think. Read on for pics of his work.








Al is the best! Not only are his creations expertly sewn, he is an absolute gem of a person. Everyone should be so lucky to have one of his pieces!

----- Susan 13.05.06 20:33

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