*notcot in me , 15:37

House & Garden- 08.10.06

Blushing from the nice words and mention Grace Bonney (aka Design*Sponge) gave NOTCOT over at her House & Garden gig. She’s one of the first blogs i started reading regularly what feels like forever ago… or maybe that really was merely a year and a half ago? Also a nice roundup of what i consider the “usuals” for quality design sites - the ones you hit when you only have a few minutes. (MoCoLoco, Reluct, Josh Spear, TreeHugger, Apt Therapy)

And while it feels like the blog roundup kind of day - here are a few other essentials on my list :: Core77 + DesignBoom + Ektopia + DesignSpotter + Fabulist + VinylPulse +… well this list could go on for a while, but those are just a few! [Feel free to suggest more in the notes?]



----- Larry 16.08.06 15:33

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