*notcot in design , 23:26

Half Life Falling Water Model- 09.11.06

This YouTube will blow your mind on multiple levels… but here’s why it does it for Shade Elaine and me… a) It’s Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water. ‘Nuff said. b) well, she and i spent a quarter in college modding half life and learning c++ in doing so. Seriously, you can’t even imagine the silliness we came up with, the surreal creepy worlds we’d make where you’d be wandering and exploring as scientists and zombies alike were functioning as performance artbots - or you were swimming through random CUBES of water till you fell off the ends of the “world”. So here you have a Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water as rendered in Half-Life so gorgeous and detailed you can even browse your way into the bathroom. See the real thing here. [via the incredibly inspiring Hulger blog.]


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