*notcot in design , 11:14

Free People Blogging- 10.31.06

Free People has a Blog! I must admit i’m impressed with the cutting edge webbiness of Free People - they were the first fun shopping site i noticed had RSS feeds for their new products, and they are fully embodying the selling a lifestyle/culture brand with their blog… surrounded by their classic stylishly vintage/collage-y design that i love, and filled with fun, witty commentary and designer eyecandy (as well as behind the scenes tidbits from the catalog shoots and whats going on in their philly office, customers get a feel for WHO the people behind the clothes are… after all isn’t that what corporate blogging is all about) So what’s next? The Urban Outfitters blog?


Thank you so much for the support. I am definitely a notcot fan, so I was really excited to see your comment! xxoo

----- fpgirl 31.10.06 12:11

Very nice site! But I’ve seen RSS feeds for new items before, the WWF store has them:


----- Matt Wilcox 01.11.06 02:35

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