*notcot in tech , 20:26

Mimobots: the Review- 10.24.06

I need more Mimobots. I’m pretty sure of that now. Because while i love my USB keys and toys as much as the next guy… (ok fine maybe a little more)… exploring the data inside Ramona has hooked the artsy McCarty fan in me. What the other sites never conveyed to me well enough was that each Mimobot is a mini multifaceted piece of art … gorgeous toy on the outside, usb key on the inside, and dig deeper and, in the Ginchy Series, you have a flash site to explore with a photo album of so many breathtaking photographs by McCarty of the trio around old school LA landmarks… with a great soundtrack by Phofo (their theme song and one song for each of the characters) to listen to on that vector ipod while you flip through… as well as 4 previews to make you crave the other Mimoco Mimobots as well. So see below for more images of what you’ll get when you adopt your Mimobot.

Here is Ramona #100 of 500 in her beautifully designed packaging. I love the little Mimobot sillhouette that says “Hungry for Love. Hungry for Data.”


Ok 2 reasons why i went extremely old school on these “screenshots” and literally took pictures of the screen (not even my laptop)… the mac flash file wasn’t doing its thing, so my options were to mess with the indiv swf and fla files, OR just stick it in a PC and run the exe. I’ll admit i was a little lazy and didn’t want to install photoshop on the other computer and make nice pretty screenshots…. And well, why should i show you ALL the gorgeous pictures that came in Ramona? I secretly want you to go check out the Munky King Launch (see previous post for details) and see the images for yourself, or buy a mimobot and share my excitement of exploring the digital innards of Ramona and the gang, or BOTH?





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