*notcot in wearable , 23:42

Skyn Detox Mask- 10.10.06

Skyn Iceland’s Cool Detox Mask has so much going for it i had to take a few pictures to share the great packaging/process. The idea is interesting in that the cloth mask comes in “tablet” (read: compacted cloth discs) ~ and you break open a ampule of the mask liquid, and pour/squirt it on the tablet till it soaks up the whole thing. Then *poof* you have a cloth mask - ready to destress your skin for a nice 20 minute intensive facial. (and with all the stress of the last few days ~ i must admit, it works well.) More pictures of the fun packaging and process below.






[UPDATED 10.21.06 - they finally wised up and realized how important their process is to selling their product! Their new packaging shows off the cloth mask capsules as well as the ampules of mask liquids]


Mmmmm, those look nice. (: I could use a facial, definitely.

By the way, I have those little glass dishes too! =D They’re awfully useful little things, hehe.

----- Michelle S. 11.10.06 15:37

Where to buy???

----- Craig 12.10.06 08:35

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