*notcot in tech , 20:17

Vogue Italia Sept.- 10.01.06

I indulged myself with the massive issue of Vogue Italia in hopes of escaping my web 2.0, social networking, california based craziness that has been quickly taking over my life… after doing some serious NOTCOT house cleaning till 8am (read: fixed .org atom feed, cleaned up all .com rss/atom, fixed .com search, added features to .org, finished emails, and a ton more)… all i wanted was a little break from the web. Just some good old fashioned, relatively shallow product/fashion obsession and drooling over accessorizing as an art form.

So imagine my surprise when in the midst of Vogue Italia, i find myself reading about how “Il web sta cambiando… Gli user-generated sites stanno decisamente rivoluzionando la rete.” and see giant myspace, flickr, and craigslist facing me. TOM made it into VOGUE. Maybe its not the web thats changing, but Vogue sta cambiando. Also this is by far one of my favorite Vogue covers to date, the image of that model at the gun range… those pumps amidst the shells… and LOVE the font… and how that orange picks up on the glasses of the guy in the next stall, and the target on the ground. Closeups below… token Diesel Sweeties to make you giggle too.

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Oh… and on the myspace note… and what it says about age… today’s
diesel sweeties just appeared in the inbox and it was oh so appropriate…


Mmmm Infinite Quarters…


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