*notcot in tech , 13:22

Blackjack- 11.22.06

I can’t stop watching this Blackjack Cingular ad… its so so gorgeous. Sure those original iPod ads were amazing too, but they made you lust for the lifestyle… not directly for the product. This ad shows off the design to such a beat, you can’t help craving the Blackjack for a few moments, even if you don’t know what it is. By Shilo, via ComputerLove

p.s. For anyone who isn’t a SciFi Eureka Fan ~ Shilo also did their incredible intro… now if only we could figure out who did the Weeds intro!



I think the newiPod ads that are coming out are pretty hot. But this commercial is still pretty sleek (though a little too CG)!


----- Mitchell 23.11.06 03:12

The ipod commercials are hottt, and so is this blackjack commercial. It’s sleek…nicely done. I disagree with the ipod commercials lusting for their lifestyle though. I do like what people wear in those commercials though…haha. I just really like their products.

----- June 25.11.06 19:05

Yesssss. I got rid of my Treo 650 for this phone.

----- richard 25.11.06 22:21

Does anyone know who the music is by?

----- Fyrey 26.11.06 08:05

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