*notcot in me , 00:26

NOTCOT.ORG #028-029- 12.15.06

Ok - first - oops. I missed last week’s .org roundup, and then when Shade Elaine and i realized it, it was so close to the next one, and then i nearly missed this one… So some good wintry goodies - mod wreaths, snow scents, woody snowboards, xmas camo, and snowboard benches… [l-r, 2465, 2464, 2456, 2439, 2428]

By the way - registered .org people will have a chance to win a special extra prize - the Oakley oROKR and iCombi - image below…



enter me please.

----- Attilio Lucchese 15.12.06 08:58

Oh that’s a pretty slick giveaway!

----- asvetic 16.12.06 07:38

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