*notcot in design , 19:43

The Light of Paris- 12.17.06

Fresh off the press is Jean-Michel Berts’ “The Light of Paris” with introduction by Pierre Assouline (and published by Assouline). While i have noticed i’ve been on a bit of a skate deck and photography kick the last few days, these are absolutely breathtaking, and a must see for any Paris lover… or cityscape lover even. Excerpts of some of my favorite images from their site below… Luxus mentions that these are taken with a camera obscura, the main site simply says “These pictures involved a highly sophisticated technique and more than twelve months of preparation. Jean-Michel was intent on revealing all the subtleties, all the richness of the destinations he had chosen for this project. The shots were taken in the early morning or late at night, to meet specific lighting requirements. The artist has intentionally focused on man-made constructions, devoid of human presence, in order to allow them to “live”, to exist, in their own right.” And either way, the effect is mesmerizing and timeless. You can digitally flip through an excerpt of the book here.








wow, thank you for sharing.

----- tarsh 18.12.06 00:02

beautiful photography

----- Naomi 19.12.06 10:53

A lot of Paris’ continued status as the City of Lights should be attributed to Francois Jousse. He and his team are responsible for the lighting and maintenance of light in the entire city, which costs about $260,000 per day. The NY Times covered him recently.


----- Patrick 28.12.06 11:58

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