*notcot in design , 18:58

Ashes and Snow- 02.16.06

Here’s a sneak peak of what you will see when you enter that Nomadic Museum i wrote about below. I can not do it justice in this space what so ever… the videos and prints require viewing at a larger than life size. The work of Gregory Colbert is truly astounding, and your jaw will drop regardless of whether you even have the slightest inclination of being in the presence of greatness, love nature, realize the zen like juxtapositions created - get this - with out photoshop! “His 21st-century bestiary includes more than 40 totemic species from around the world. Since he began creating his singular work of Ashes and Snow, Colbert had mounted more than 30 expeditions to locations such as India, Egypt, Burma, Tonga, Sri Lanka, Namibia, Kenya, Antarctica, the Azores and Borneo.” Ashes and Snow


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