*notcot in design , 13:22

Nomadic SM- 02.16.06

So i told you about the Nomadic Museum popping up in Santa Monica a few weeks ago (old posts here and also raved about the genius of the architect Shigeru Ban here)- and i also visited it the day before i left for Singapore. In the chaos i apologize for not having posted this sooner - but its never too late, since it is open until May. It, to put it mildly, blew my mind on more levels than i thought possible… the architecture! the incredible use of cardboard! (i stood and spun in circles in awe of the cardboard tube usage) and the lighting and precise shadow creation! the way the prints were hung! the way the prints were PRINTED! the transformation of space! the videos! and last but not least - all of that captivated me to no end… but the PHOTOGRAPHY and MOTION captured if printed on postcards i would have sat and stared at for hours and hours on end. Put that all together, and i am floored. Absolutely stunned and amazed at how moving, inspirational, and absolutely mind blowing this exhibition is.


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