*notcot in me , 01:44

work in progress- 03.01.06

Ciao* playing with css this weekend, so consider this the soft launch of redesign… still working on all the details that crop up while actually using the site. Categories are simplified and more accessible. Comments (now notes!) can be made in the top right corner of posts. Top two birds will lead you places. Strands down the sides are showcasing products/art we love, and will link you to them… if you have great designs or products to show, space can be *rented to show them off. Also inserted floater text ads/announcement space between the first few posts. And overall cleaned things up a little… after all NOTCOT turns 1 sometime in March.

ok HELP - since you are the ones leaving notes, where do you like having the link to leave them? is it too obscure in the top corner? I also had it as a bigger comment flag graphic in the bottom right, but it seemed to bloat the posts. So, what do you want? and then balance that with what looks nice?


Bottom middle / right, perhaps slightly larger font / bolded so it is easier to notice?

----- Gnash 27.02.06 18:44

probably to comment a post i preferr the classic low bottom… anyway good luck whith blog redesign!
the thumbnails on the 2 sides are very good: it’s an intersting idea to promote past post that also me was studyng ; )

----- elmanco 01.03.06 06:29

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