*notcot in playful , 20:29

Sharpie Comeback- 06.07.05

vid.pngSharpie looks posed to take on everyone in the marker business…look out pantone, here comes sharpie with more colors than i ever imagined i’d need or want in permanent marker? Its gone from the label your clothes, doodle on your notebook, give your friend a tattoo in class, plain old black marker… into fat, super fat, skinny, two tipped, mini, and so many more… pictures of all the new ones to follow…

But coolest thing of all… take a look at how they make them, great video here… Quite possible the sweetest most mesmerizing vid in a while.

From the History of Sharpie… more amazing pics…

[and this doesn’t even include the paint based sharpies!]

… amazing what a trip to the local stationary store can find, no?

1 Notes

I have been a Sharpie tattooist for quite some time. My work has been both praised and reviled depending on the recipient and the condition they were in when they got the tattoo.

As an artist, it is nothing short of thrilling to see this exciting new new assortment of colors added.

----- Gnash 08.06.05 07:17

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