*notcot in wearable , 01:04

Retro Mac- 03.09.06

appleretro.jpgAh, the Lenin Closet, when i know i can’t say it better, i don’t try. “Mac geeks can party like it’s 1979 with a recreation of a classic design. Available for a limited time, so get ‘em before the lawyers do. Screenprinted in 6 colors (that’s high-end, just so you know) on quality fabric. How fat are you? (S, M, L, XL, …)” and check out the discount for certified geeks “$2 off your order if you prove your Apple geek cred and place your order from a Newton MessagePad. (Send us an email after you make your order and we’ll refund $2 once we verify it. Ve haff vays.)”

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