*notcot in design , 16:02

Stella Im Hultberg- 12.28.06

Stella Im Hultberg… my art obsession of the week. Her more recent pieces have been mesmerizing me since the Oddica Cotton to Canvas show. There is something about the tea stained paper plus oil and water colors and those dreary bored apathetic droopy edgy girls that pretty much embodies how i’ve felt this week. And can you believe she has a series of prints in her store you can purchase for a mere 20$? signed and titled even.

So who is Stella? According the the bio on her site “Stella is a painter and drawer living in New York City.
Despite her background in industrial design and toy design, she has recently turned to a more personal and expressive kind of creating, showing her works at galleries since last year (2005). When she’s not drawing or painting, she likes to eat while thinking of more food to eat; search for the perfect cupcake; eat ice cream at the park; and just walk around her most favorite city in the world.” More of my favorites below…








2 Notes

That *is* awesome.

----- James John Malcolm (AkaXakA) 13.01.07 07:11

More Stella stuff over at Poketo:

----- Fabulist 28.12.06 16:27

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