Gordon’s Gin Ten Green Bottles- 09.19.12
While at Selfridges early this week, we encountered these stunning limited edition Gordon’s Gin Ten Green Bottles designed by Conran ~ there will be 1 million bottles, available throughout the UK from October at the standard retail price and an additional 200 special edition bottles, presented in hand-stitched fabric wraps and presentation boxes along with an A3 print available exclusively at Selfridges. Then tonight, we found ourselves at the Conran Shop’s “village fête” of a celebration party for the collaboration - complete with a look behind the designs, fun silly games and activities set up throughout the store, and Gordon’s Gin cocktails of course! It’s fun to see that each of the 10 patterns (some more sneakily than others) incorporates it’s number into the design… take a peek on the next page at the event, the bottles, the inspiration… and more!
Here’s the fun display you’re greeted with as you enter the Conran Shop ~
Here are the super special limited editions! Fun packaging…
In one corner there are the 10 prints ~ as well as a mock inspiration board from the design process!
This is my favorite!
Taking a closer look at the inspiration board/desk…
These are the bottles with blank skins on them…
A peek at the bar!
… and the Elderflower G&T’s they were making!
You can see all of the designs and even download the various patterns at the Gordon’s Gin Ten Green Bottles… they also describe inspirations behind each print.
Here are all the special labels for the 1 million limited edition bottles for the fall.
As for the super special 200 bottles available exclusively at Selfridges… i love the packaging and the way it frames the bottle print…
… the whole family of bottles!
And a close up of the limited edition bottle with numbered fabric tag and all!
Here’s a peek at some of the random games (there were 10 stations!) at the Gordon’s/Conran village fetê!