*notcot in tech , 04:23

New + Lustworthy from Belkin - 07.11.08

newbelkin1.jpgIt’s noon on Friday, and this week has been so much design/dev/catch up ~ i somehow ended up staying up all night catching up on emails (i was a few hundred deep… now down to somewhere around 100! yay!), so about to crash, but wanted to first show you guys some exciting new fall launches coming from Belkin. I hope you don’t mind, but i’ll keep it brief, and give you lots of pics on the next page:

1. Fly Wire - this was one of the things i’ve been waiting for since CES, a super sleek simple way to mount a receiver to your flat panel TV, and have no wires showing when its wall mounted, while all your devices are connected elsewhere. Gorgeous design, awesome implementation!

2. Break Free - a great little magnetic break away jack for all our guitarists out there, or for those who trip on their cords!

3. Laptop Cool Strip - fun idea for getting your laptop some room to cool, while also having space to let cables not get crushed under the laptop.

See larger pics of all of these on the next page!






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3 Notes

Hi Lee — I’m Melody, PR Manager at Belkin. To answer your question, yes you still need to run a power cable from the mounted LCD. But that is easier to do than running all the HDMI cables from your LCD to your components. With FlyWire, you can also hide your AV components anywhere, like a closet or behind a cabinet. Or, if you’re really money, you can put your plasma out on the patio!

----- Melody Chalaban 19.08.08 10:59

Don’t you still need to run a power cable to the mounted LCD?

----- Lee Byron 10.08.08 16:54

that laptop cooling strip is SO SMART.

----- sarah 11.07.08 14:50

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