*notcot in design , 02:58

Jamie Hayon’s Rocking Chicken- 11.20.08

chicken.jpg I think i am obsessed with a large green glossy lacquered rocking chicken. Is that weird? Is it weirder that tonight i am obsessed with it because of Jamie Hayon’s Lladro Fantasy Collection where he playfully mixes his designer goodness and attention to detail with the classic porcelain collectibles… But back to the chicken. It’s giant. It’s green. It’s glossy. And i bet when you rock on it your mind fills with ideas and you get taken on a dreamy world of inspiration… or maybe thats the sleeping pill kicking in and i’m starting to fade and dream up ideas (how is it 3:30am?)? Regardless, between all the giveaways, thought you’d have fun taking a peek at the sketches and more images of the great green rocking chicken on the next page… see more at Jamie’s site too!

From Jamie Hayon’s site:
“Green chicken: The chicken, a rather unexplored shape, found its place amongst my green dreams. I wanted to portray this common bird as a sensational object by amplifying its characteristics and dimensions, turning it into a modern piece, one of great beauty and utility: a rocking chair. The movement, subtle and constant, would give the object a zoom-like trait, a sense of speed and dynamism. My green chicken had taken on a face, a shape, a place and a function.”





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8 Notes

the very first time i saw this chicken i fell in love, and eversince, much to my boyfirends annoyance have demanded one for my birthday.. the only problem with it is its functionality, as one would be crazy to allow a child to play on such a costly toy.. in fact think i read somewhere that it was made for a cross disciplinary art/design competition in which hayon was commisioned to design an art object

----- Gina 30.12.09 08:28

I love creativity, but when it takes a direct and brazen stance against the environment and practicality I must take a stand. This amount of plastic could’ve gone to much better uses, and the pointed beak eliminates all value as a toy.

----- Trenton G 24.11.08 00:30

It seems like it should have been some talking, helpful sidekick character out of a children’s book…that being said, I had a rocking cow when I was little

----- JHuck 21.11.08 06:19

Its totally not for a child, look at that beak. While it is very cool, it seems quit scary. Its much more of an art object then anything, almost Jeff Koonish.

----- Kirk 20.11.08 20:36

This fascinates and creeps me out at the same time!! Jeff

----- Jeff M. 20.11.08 16:26

It’s definitely unique…but if it’s meant for children, I don’t know if the pointed beak is wise - it seems like the beak is right at eye level for a child, and kids trip a lot.

----- Jessica J. 20.11.08 11:06



----- Tracey 20.11.08 10:25

Yes…. I’ve always wanted to ride a chicken. Short of turning into a Gnome this would never have been possible. Until now…

----- Stephen 20.11.08 08:15

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