Francis Ford Coppola Encyclopedia- 12.17.08
Inspiration + awesome web design + mind blowing packaging design + wine + customized moleskine + education + amusement? Does it really get any better? I don’t even know where to start talking to you about how impressed and fascinated i am with the Francis Ford Coppola Encyclopedia site ~ or the fact that they are making wine even more accessible by TEACHING people about it, with a playful site filled with videos, info, and a grade school feeling lined notebook paper on wooden desk feel! Super cool is that they sent people off to various regions for 30 days to learn about the wines and document their adventures in text, pics, and videos.
But seriously, lets talk packaging. Who knew making the “largest screwcap in all the land” could be so beautiful? As soon as i pulled the bottles out today i was already scheming ideas for what i could do with the gorgeous carafes… so, giant screwcap + awesome carafe bottle shape, it feels like an Erlenmeyer flask meets decanter… just enough glass details to keep it interesting (from the ridges to the text around the base… and that really sweet chemical structure of reservatrol, the antioxidant found in the skin of grapes)… not to mention the branding of using stamps with the countries the wines come from instead of labels! Oh, and then there’s also the inspiring quotes on the lids of each bottle that can’t not bring a smile to anyone’s face when they are about to open it! And to top that, they sent over a few customized Francis Ford Coppola Encyclopedia customized moleskines! And they go beyond the usual cover art ~ they actually stickerize the inside cover with the stamp/labels from each region as well as stamp quotes and more randomly throughout!
I think they said it best: “Simply stated, wine is discovery. From how it’s made and where it’s made to why we drink it when we do, wine is not just wine.” So take a look at MANY pictures on the next page, from close ups to the bottles and notebooks to screenshots and diagrams of their design choices.
So, they really weren’t messing around when they sent over a surprise… of 4 HUGE boxes, this is only a portion of the goodies that landed here today!
I love the quotes on the caps! And even the label ~ so playful and engaging, inspiring on so many levels (and that’s before even taking a sip!)
The little touches like the chemical structure are just awesome!
Pardon the photoshopping on this screenshot to show you the whole story ~ why rewrite what was more fun to read in this screenshot?
To be thorough, had to show you a nice close up of the gorgeous bottles!
Front and back of the moleskine ~
Inside the front cover ~
Here are more quotes and cards found inside!
If you want to find out more ~ go experience the Francis Ford Coppola Encyclopedia site yourself!
By the way I am going back to the store to buy them out of encyclopedia wines.
----- Lucy 06.12.09 12:03