Retro Transistor Radios- 06.15.09
Beauty in Technology post series sponsored by Samsung’s new LED TVs! Post #1 of 6 in this new weekly series exploring random beauty in technology, NOTCOT style.
While back in Singapore i happened across some tiny transistor radios tucked away in my dad and grandmother’s various drawers… the first one was exciting enough… then it was like an easter egg hunt, i just kept finding more! Luckily he was amused enough by my fascination to let me bring them home and photograph them to share with you! The tiniest details are so cool ~ from the fonts to the patterns to the pendants dangling off some of the smaller ones. For reference, that little sony is like 2” wide! I have yet to get them working yet ~ actually while writing this, just got distracted and managed to get a few open (so pics of the insides on the next page too!) ~ and looks like i’d need some interestingly sized batteries… SO, visual research on the next page, and my question to you ~ do you know more about these? Any fun stories of having these as a kid, etc? See the gallery of close ups and insides on the next page!
I’d love to see some of these restored. Reminds me of Gizmodo’s comparison of Ives and Braun’s aesthethics. -
----- A B 23.06.09 10:49