*notcot in travel , 21:25

Evoque at the Quail’s Land Rover Driving School - 08.21.11

evoque0.jpg We went offroading in the new Range Rover Evoque! I had no idea while wandering around between the beautiful cars on the golf course at The Quail that just behind the course is one of 4 Land Rover Driving Schools. It takes you straight up into the lush trees of Carmel as you twist and turn along their dirt track… occasionally with a camera man popping out as you round a corer ~ after all, this was fun test drive experience Range Rover set up for Quail visitors to experience what the Evoque can really do. The highlight? The glass roof is amazing! And when clean, the pictures and view you get through it are incredible! While having grown up in many SUVs, i must say the clearance in the front was a bit tough, particularly while trying to navigate their offroad course, but there are some UI details that are pretty interesting… take a peek on the next page at the mini-adventure and some Evoque details!

Here’s the car we jumped into! evoque2.jpg





We caught the camera man on camera coming around the bend the second time… evoque6.jpg


The shifter is a dial that lays flat when the car is off ~ and when it pops up, you can rotate it to switch gears. evoque8.jpg

Love this graphic that pops up in your dash if one of your passengers (green dots) takes off their seatbelt (red dot!) evoque9.jpg

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1 Notes

Nice review and some really nice pictures… you’ve captured the panoramic roof really well.


----- Dan 28.08.11 03:16

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