*notcot in roundup , 14:05

NOTCOT.org + Tasteologie Roundup- 01.22.15

roundup notcotorg #59014 notcotorg #59008 notcotorg #59003 notcotorg #58999 notcotorg #59025 notcotorg #59006 notcotorg #58994 notcotorg #59000 notcotorg #59007 notcotorg #59026 notcotorg #59013 notcotorg #59004 notcotorg #59016 notcotorg #59024 notcotorg #58998 notcotorg #59005 notcotorg #59027 notcotorg #59002 notcotorg #59010 notcotorg #59023 tasteologie #70266 tasteologie #70134 tasteologie #69992 tasteologie #70140 tasteologie #70094 The duality of all things NOTCOT used to be… NOTCOT.com is the blog, NOTCOT.org is the submissions page. Then it evolved to NOTCOT.com is real life, NOTCOT.org is inspiring links to the best sources - our studio bulletin board! Into decade two - yet another layer is evolving… NOTCOT.com is the slower side of things we are living/doing/experiencing that are worth sharing, and NOTCOT.org is the faster moving firehose of constant inspiration!

That being said - explore the sampling of what’s been inspiring us over at NOTCOT.org above by clicking the squares to find out more!


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