Characters - Reincarnated- 05.04.09
Where bad letters go when they die? Ok so they aren’t bad ~ but the awesome photography of finnish company, Characters, certainly makes it seem like these are the ones that fell off Sesame Street’s letters of the day… only to end up drunk and in an alley all alone? Basically these are recycled - “saved” letters - orphaned when old signage is neglected or discarded… when i saw these over at designboom, i couldn’t resist seeing if they had NOTCOT available ~ and then debating whether to get some… it’d look pretty crazy to have your own ex-neon sign graveyard… mis matched reincarnated letters all LED’d out?
So what happens? “When company signs and logos are taken down, they get demolished. We recycle the characters into individual design objects. We dismantle the letters, clean them up, add a new transformer, LED lights and the power cord, and put them back together.” See some of the stunning photography on the next page!