*notcot in food+drink , 17:40

The Magic of Fake Ice - Cubes, Slush, etc.- 08.17.10

fakeice0.jpg On more random experiments today ~ part of Jackson’s photoshoot for Marcia’s new Cocktail book going on at my house… i get to play with all kinds of prop ICE! In slushy form (from powder to slush, just add water) - fake cubes - fake less rounded rubbery cubes - magical condensation that doesn’t drip… and makes warm drinks in the hot sun look more appealing… Fascinating goodies from Special Effects Unlimited in Hollywood! Take a peek at the experiments on the next page…

Here’s the Polysorb mixed with water ~ its a bouncy gel ~ looks great fork fluffed ~ just like with camping mashed potatoes… fakeice2.jpg

…up close! fakeice3.jpg

Fake perfectly rounded ice! fakeice4.jpg

This is the more jagged rubber ice ~ its bouncy like a SUPER dense jello jiggler… fakeice5.jpg



Glycerin for misting… fakeice8.jpg

… this drink has not only never been cold… it was also sitting in the sun for like an hour! Yet… misty! fakeice9.jpg

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4 Notes

That polysorb stuff is what’s inside disposable diapers. My daughter is a movie makeup artist, and she uses that stuff when she has to make someone look like they’ve been frozen.

----- Delilah 26.08.10 07:00

Did I see a cucumber with a condom on it?

----- Marshall Baltzell 18.08.10 06:12

LOL, I think that is just the condensation built up on the surface of the plastic shrinkwrap on the cucumber. It does look like a condom, though!

----- Masa 18.08.10 03:39

How come there is a cucumber wrapped in a condom on pic #7 ?

----- CLU883R 17.08.10 21:10

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