Ciao* bit slow today, just flew in to the land of these yellow taxis. Or NY. It was so early this morning on my 7am flight over from LA… proof of how tired i was? Apparently that Sex in the City/ex-Melrose Place girl was on my flight, and i didn’t even notice. My friend that was waiting to pick me up saw her come out before me. I got in the plane, sat down, fell asleep and got up groggy on this side of the country. Here for a week. Might be a bit swamped with a top secret experiment, but any suggestions for things i simply can’t miss? [leave notes up top, i am meaning to move/redesign that, but haven’t decided where exactly yet!]
wearable - 03.08.06 -
This sweet necklace by smallthings designs is like the exact opposite of the stuff I’ve been posting lately… round vs. sharp and pointy. I’ve been a fan of smallthings ever since I first saw it a year or so ago. It seems like you can’t go anywhere now without seeing a small gun, knife, or unicorn hanging off a necklace, so it’s kind of refreshing to see that there’s someone out there who’s still making modern, elegant and simple jewelry.
smallthings designs says this is:
The latest line from smallthings. A slight departure from the rest, with circle pendants and translucent glass. Reversible for twice the style.
wearable - 03.07.06 -
Ok, one last Mixko for today. These felt butterfly rings are adorable, colorful, and affordable. At 4 pounds a piece, you could certainly manage to have a few to go with each outfit. And on silly details, it kind of looks like the feeler comes out from the butterfly and wraps delicately around your finger. Love that there are a few species of these cute felty butterflies as well.
One post is never enough with Mixko. Too many incredible images i can’t resist. Take a look at the giant whistle chair (seen on its side here), what better way to call a very very loud, lung emptying time out? I suppose it is also ideal for your guests to fix themselves up in, or try on new shoes in front of. Then there is the ceramic fruit bowl (perfectly named as the “footbowl”) slipcast from a deflated soccer ball. We did it as kids once they got punctured- they made great hats/bowls/etc on the playground- but cast in ceramic transforms it into being ideal for “adult” living (aka fruit holding and a fun conversation piece?)
We love Mixko (remember the incredibly thought provoking lamps and candles and the Spray Can Top Stool?) Well, Alex Garnett did a line of Mixko FOOTBALL (euro football/soccer) gear that pushes the boundaries. This shirt is just great, simple on the outside, but when it’s GOAL time, and you need to pull your shirt over your head and run around like a maniac, you are good to go. (Or as Alex mentioned it is “for brave women”)
PinPops! Freaks, Bush Poison, Wooly saving, and all knowingness. What more can i say. Pins. Here.
food+drink - 03.05.06 -
While content should matter, there are and will always be those items by the checkout that grab you based on flashy colors. So here we have Cocktails by Jenn, these pre-packaged party packs of Cosmos, Appletinis, Blue Lagoons, and Lemon Drops offer that nice hostess gift/fun party contribution for a girly night. I’m assuming stronger than wine coolers or those mixed fizzy things, but seriously it’s not that hard to make your own of these, so its all about the packaging… and with the cute plastic hat box like casing and the charms dangling on the straps, why not give it a try. A bit oriented towards that Sex in the City like crowd, and the site does feel oftly LA Sample Sale-like… interesting concept.
Went car shopping today - tried many a car - but surprisingly found this at the toy store nearby and been needing one since. After an overload of features and mileage and various performance packages, etc - this one was SO simple and SO fun. Jermacide and I were riding around INSIDE a toy store on these (keep in mind he’s a 6’ guy). Canadian invention, you sit and wiggle the steering wheel and off you go! (Check out the Discovery Channel Clip about the physics behind it) It’s been winning many awards around the world, but look at the design! … not to mention it’s called the Plasma Car. Although the ages say 3-12 i’d give it an “anyone who’s agile enough to sit on it” age limit… it was really comfortable, and you can really get moving on it. Great for hallways and getting around at work, i think Google needs these to join their fleet of Segways, motorized scooters, and mini bikes.
food+drink - 03.04.06 -
Ever wonder what it would be like if graphic designers made food? Well here you go. The packaging and marketing of this crazy Lesser Evil Popcorn (found it at Whole Foods today) is brilliant, and extremely well thought out (down to the logo faces lining up on the tabs when you open the box). But best of all is really this pattern of graphics they designed which is on the foil/plastic wrap in the box, as well as a desktop wallpaper available on the site. The kettle corn wasn’t bad, but not spectacular, but its definitely worth checking out for the fab packaging. Perhaps i will need to try the cinammon, peanut butter/choc, choc, and bbq flavors as well. My favorite graphics - the Shark saying “High in Crunchability”, the “High in Moral Fiber”, the “Kernels not intended for individual sale” with barcode, the “American Popcorn Growers Association” logo is priceless, and the “Aim contents directly into mouth”… not to mention the best logo ever.
design - 03.03.06 -
Science and art have never differed by much, and both offer new perspectives on our surroundings… but seldom enough do you really get a chance to peek at how beautiful some of the scientific imagery can be, and these were just to incredible not to capture the images of here… even if it did get boingboinged and such. “These images are a part of a series of remarkable patterns that bacteria form when grown in a petri dish. While the colors and shading are artistic additions, the image templates are actual colonies of tens of billions of these microorganisms.” These images from from the lab of Prof Eshel Ben-Jacob of Tel-Aviv University in collaboration with Prof. Herbert Levine from my alma mater, UC San Diego. See the gallery here, and i must say such scientists need to pair up with more artists when coloring and shading some of these others!
Hoody hunting tonight while i can’t sleep… always on the look out for that elusive perfect hoody, or for the inspiration to come up with my design of the perfect hoody (which definitely changes with the wind). Rediscovered Upper Playground tonight, and noticed this 220 SF Bus Hoody my ex used to have… always did have a thing for that hoody, forgot it was by these fun walrus folks in SF. Also my attraction to vector/abstract/organic images like this bird just made me show you that one as well!
Animal theme today. Hand printed tees by “and sometimes y” (i could only find her myspace, but she’s an LA local!) These two tees were cute though, and they are available over at ChocoSho. Bear and Coyote, how native american spirit animal themed?
design - 03.02.06 -
OOOOH. Adidas Gigaride campaign: I saw the kangaroo ad on TV, and the animations of the animals are really well rendered/designed and you have to go watch the whole series (Kangaroo, Rhino, Frogs). But here’s an image i had to share of the Rhino’s on the page just as the back one is about to bump the whole row. Adorable campaign. Love the visuals, go check out the desktops for download as well.
Red Solo Cups = College parties. So Maxim Velcovsky Sommeliers naturally imply that we’re growing up, but haven’t lost touch with our inner college kid? Nostalgia, it’s a dangerous tool. via d*s.
design - 03.01.06 -
Wooster is my feel good drug of choice. Didn’t you ever wonder what those enormous stuffed animals that weren’t soft enough to use like pillows were useful for? Question answered. Wow. I have this 8 foot soft stuffed animal like palm tree from when i was a little kid around, maybe i should construct a clear plastic one of those… and place it somewhere not in LA (would be far too cliche, don’t you think?)… hmmm.