ESUVEE! i’ll admit i drive one, not proud neccessarily, but it works. Don’t get me wrong i understand where all the anti-SUV folk are coming from, and the trendy Prius people too… but sometimes you just look past it all for a moment and check out some hilariously brilliant design… which should reach out and touch you no matter what side of the SUV argument you are from.
Great graphics. nice site. really fun ad. go play.
Design lovers everywhere, especially those who appreciate gorgeous high quality images… MUST go see PEPIN PRESS books. Not at all bookstores (but so far i found a nice selection at Henessy and Ingalls which is one of the most browse-worthy design/architecture stores around)…
Here’s the deal, well bound books overflowing with incredibly edgy clipart… i caved in and so far have collected up the Occult, Bacteria and Micro-organisms, and Dutch Tile Designs… they are nicelly bound, well sized, and on nice glossy pages (basically the complete opposite of Dover press old school clip art selections, no offense to them, although they do have weekly free clip art)… Nicest thing though, is at about 20$ a book, they come with CD’s filled with every image used/featured in the book… and the images are extremely high quality in tiff and jpg formats, organized by page number.
For people like me who like to touch and feel their design wares from time to time, or just find it easier to find the right image flipping quickly rather than file hunting… this is a godsend.
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Devastee’s a french duo of sketch based artists takes on the depressive nature of fashion, or the fashionable nature of depression… creating some interesting art pieces and shirts worth taking a look at.
TO PAGE 2 of "Fashionable Depression"! ----->
me - 03.09.05 -
Just when you think things start to work, CSS bootcamp proves to be far more hardcore and painstaking. Todays horror after sorting out EM instead of px and small-med-large text sizing is BROWSERS! again! everyone needs to buy a mac and use safari to view the site apparently. It looks best in it, check it out in the image here… and compare it to yours if you’re looking at something else? I’m working on optimizing… IE is still a real pain… firefox is ok on mac, ok but slightly less due to a lack of text smoothing on the pc.
from a spanish site last night, it amused me. makes you think a little different. and i need something in another category to try my category listings on the sidebar…
design - 03.07.05 -
Couldn’t resist. For the record i read this one in the dinoblog first too. There’s still a major touch/smell factor print has got over my comp? — also in the same LA Times, Business section gave the cover left column to an article on the Movable Type couple; the colorful web designer, and her taciturn engineer high school boyf.
me - 03.04.05 -
Browsing through everyone elses blogs and sites to learn and absorb fascinating little details that help make a site more than just a site. Although he doesnt post all that frequently, i just LOVE this guys site, and he has done amazing work as well.
journal : // hicksdesign
His menu close up
seriously though, how can you not love someone who appreciates/collects up menubar icons too? and just incredibly nice/usable design.
TO PAGE 2 of "A QuickPost Test"! ----->
WOW 7am… aka bedtime, but it is so sunny out, how does anyone get to sleep? did i mention i’ve been at this all day? since waking up from yesterdays 6am bedtime and being too ill to move for a while. adding an entry just to add an entry right now… got the title bar, linear timeline of a calendar up… tomorrow/future to dos….
TO PAGE 2 of "Second Day of Camp"! ----->
me - 03.03.05 -
me - 02.28.05 -
you gotta start sometime… so why not start now? this is the beginning of something. If only to stop being bored and having anyone around get annoyed with my restlessness, and perhaps even propel me out of this lull that i’ve rolled into. A little momentum is useful, and perhaps necessary.