This is the “Auto Bird Turd Emergency Kit” by Grumpy Girl. Let the name settle in for a moment, and then take in the great carrying case and graphics… then realize how much you want it. Ok, well i want it anyhow, when i have the energy, i am the kind of girl who could really use some de-pooping supplies in the car to keep it in good shape. With everything from waterbottle, windshield wiper fluid, shop towels, plastic baggies, cleaner wax (!), microfiber sponge and towel, and antibacterial wipes ~ its genius really. [via Outblush and NYT]
“Plant The Piece” - fascinating project by Christopher Humes and Noah Scalin’s “Swords into Plowshares” traveling exhibition. With their seed bombs and this 9mm gun made of dirt and seeds ~ they change the way you can plant “peace/piece”… check out the gallery for some great imagery…
*Plaster Mold of 9mm 910 Pistol
*Red Clay Powder
*Dry Organic Humus Compost
*Seed Mixture of Annual & Perennial Species Native & Naturalized to the Region; Maltese Cross, Annual Baby’s Breath, Dwarf Cornflower, Shasta Daisy, Siberian Wallflower, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, European Columbine, Foxglove, Purple Coneflower, Indian Blanket, Spurred Snapdragon, Dense Blazing Star, Scarlet Flax, Perennial Lupine, Shirley Poppy, Black-eyed Susan, Sweet William, Russell Lupine and Catchfly
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food+drink - 01.15.07 -
Modern Twist’s Vinotagz ~ 1. beautifully simply elegant 2. great materials (non-toxic silicone stem markers can even pencil a name on them ) 3. ingenious packaging - did you SEE that carrying case that you can slip on a bottle of wine?
Design*Sponge tipped me off on these this morning, and i just LOVE them, they are possibly the perfect gift to stock up on, for each and every time you bring wine to a party.
playful - 01.14.07 -
wearable - 01.13.07 -
It’s been a little while since my latest weapon based jewelry find… but gun lovers or not, the quality of these are impressive… and oh so cute. Love the shark bomb and the grenade especially - and something so fun about the snub nose, and the pirate pistol, and the silencer… PNUT Jewelry.
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home+decor - 01.12.07 -
Brilliant doodle filled campaign for Samaritans (see full posters and tv spot below) ~ created by Alex Holder, Oli Kellett, Daryl Corps and Ben Kay at advertising agency Lunar BBDO. Illustrted by Billie Jean. “The campaign for 2007 is based around the idea that doodles are a way of expressing your inner thoughts, and that if there are things on your mind then Samaritans is there to offer confidential support 24 hours a day.” Heart warmingly doodle inspiring…
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Sony’s OLED screen prototypes really did have quite the shrine and mob scene… but look at how THIN, bright, and energy efficient they are! With no back lighting, OLED technology is potentially one of the next big screen revolutions in the making (once all the potential kinks get worked out), so it was great to get a chance to drool over these… but really… how thin they were blew my mind…
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No it doesn’t vacuum, unless you program it to do so. But this one goes on the list of launches i read about before i got to CES, and was still impressed enough by it that i needed to post it after playing with it.
iRobot Create. I was quite a fan of the give your hamster wheels ~ as in it runs in its ball, and that drives the Create… and the robotic arms are pretty fun too. In a nutshell, the folks that brought you the roomba, unleashed a streamlined programmable version, basically the ideal starting point for future engineers, programmers, robotics geniuses everywhere…
AND not a bad deal for $99! (use coupon code ‘createces’ to save 30$ off the usual 129$) ~ and for normal roombas, 20% off with code ‘ces222’ in the iRobot Store.
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Another CES highlight - getting to see the 100$ “One Laptop per Child” machine over at the AMD booth. We’ve been hearing about it for a while all over the internet, but to actually play with it, it was impressive to say the least… and i am a big believer in saving the future one laptop per kid at a time…
(excerpt from their faq) What is the $100 Laptop, really?
The proposed $100 machine will be a Linux-based, with a dual-mode display—both a full-color, transmissive DVD mode, and a second display option that is black and white reflective and sunlight-readable at 3× the resolution. The laptop will have a 500MHz processor and 128MB of DRAM, with 500MB of Flash memory; it will not have a hard disk, but it will have four USB ports. The laptops will have wireless broadband that, among other things, allows them to work as a mesh network; each laptop will be able to talk to its nearest neighbors, creating an ad hoc, local area network. The laptops will use innovative power (including wind-up) and will be able to do most everything except store huge amounts of data.
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tech - 01.11.07 -
This is the one. The one item at CES, that i am dying to actually throw money at (assuming it works well with a mac, i was so frenzied i forgot to ask). Out of so many tech toys at CES, this one is the one i crave.
Logitech Di Novo Edge keyboard… super thin, bluetooth, laptop like keys (i can type like a demon on it, vs this bluetooth apple keyboard, ugh), touch sensitive volume slider, mouse circular touchdisc scrolling… seriously, Logitech has been making some serious waves in human computer interaction. I can’t imagine life without my MX Revolution (hyperscrolling has truly changed my life, the way i photoshop and blog)… the NuLooq changes the way i design. So while apple may be my os of choice… logitech is making me swoon with each new product.
Ok runner up for most memorable booth? QUALCOMM! It’s not everyday you get to see a technological archaeological dig - and if you do, what better place to relive the past of all the new gadgets, while experiencing the latest in what will be shaping our future? Took FAR too many pictures here, so posting a few below to give you a good feel for the booth. Brilliant idea, so very fun and playful… and conceptually it really made its point, and does make you stop and reflect on how far we’ve come… The Evolution of Technology. Wow.
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I must admit, it feels great to wake up and not be in vegas, it just isn’t my kind of city… also i had dreams/nightmares of gadgets and the madness that was the last few days all night… and STILL couldn’t decide where to start with sharing CES with you. So from a designer standpoint, we are going to go in order of what is MOST memorable to me.
BELKIN BOOTH. If i had to pick one standout booth, they are it. This one was fit to be at the Salone even… gorgeous concept and execution… from the bird/tree black and white motifs for wallpaper, to all the leaf silhouettes for the labels/stickers/etc. and notice the style of their minimalist furniture. If anyone had a great feel for design trends now, this was it. They even had a seriously tastefully pimped out convertible silver mini, and a tool themed display for the ipod accessories. Room by room, even while packed with hundreds, this was the booth i felt most at home at. They even had various “lifestyles” being demonstrated by the man and women in the window… Below is my little tour of the belkin booth.
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While we all oooooh and ahhhhh about the iphone, and start to save up now for the 600$ + cost of changing services fee we will be faced with come june… just wanted to do a quick post of the MOTOMing. It’s quite cute… but the main reason is just, part of my name is Ming. Also just to let you know that i spent Mon-Weds in VEGAS at CES, and can no longer feel my legs. It was exhausting, overwhelming, and like disneyland, only filled with geeks and pornstars, 108” tvs, windows vista, programmable roombas, keyboards worth splurging on, technological anthropologists, pcs for every child, weather units that show you how to dress, a tord inspired belkin booth, and practically paper thin oled screens to name a few. So for tonight, i leave you with this - and will try in the morning to catch you up on what i found inspiring at CES 007.
playful - 01.08.07 -
If there’s one thing i learned this christmas, it’s that you cannot leave RUGenius alone with a printer and internet access all alone in oxford tending to her lab. After the amazing cardboy calendar, she proceeded to find lots of other “print, cut, + build” toys on the internet and filled the lab with them (and my inbox with fun pics of them). So this one is for her.
FWIS has two amazing series of DIY toys over at - so get printing!