Your DNA, beautifully visualized and glicee printed on canvas… While i’m in love with the idea, and gorgeous implementation, you can’t help but wonder, is this like putting your credit card number on the wall? Assuming you have neighbors with the scientific power to clone you from the painting? Ok, all random possibilities aside, DNA11 has really done something interesting here.
In a nutshell, you send in a saliva sample, and choose color scheme… wait and recieve your dna as art. via Reluct & Mocoloco
wearable - 07.22.05 -
Too gorgeous not to give its own massive space. “With out a doubt, the Erotokritos masterpiece of the season. With diamante jewel buttons included. ” On LeTrainBleu.
It’s a wee ninja and it makes me feel better in this crappy day That is all. Go Shawnimals, you make me smile.
Those who know me well, know the art of McGinness makes me weak in the knees. Krudmart has this new awesome tee by him, commemorating the fatal pulls of that “i love you” mix tape we’ve all partaken in… finally finishing the ability to listen and relisten only to relive the past in a bad bad way =P … ok, ok, or thats what they mention in the description anyhow… you can come up with the teen melodrama story behind this one yourself.
TO PAGE 2 of "I LOVE”D” YOU"! ----->
home+decor - 07.21.05 -
Wow it’s hot in Socal these days… unbearably so. I couldn’t imagine getting through it without my trusty Vornado my mom got me back in the beginning of uni. So as i sit here melting less thanks to my infinitly variable speed tall Vornado… i browsed their website for the first time ever, and found this beauty!
So incase you didn’t know either, apparently the Vornados i know are a result of the “new improved Vornado company” of 1989, which inherited a history of fans dating back to the 40’s and 50’s in Whichita, Kansas… That new limited edition version combining the Vornado tech of today and the aesthetic of yesterday is gorgeous. (Also check out the History of Fans and the Green Vintage model)
me - 07.20.05 -
It’s all about the voyeurism of the adorable hedgehogs. And that logo. Nice.
quote from the Editor of Cargo, Ariel Foxman. GUEST POST by RUGENIUS…
ok, here we go. so…as if to celebrate the release of NOTCOTs gorgeous new t-shirt design, the new york times is publishing an article in tomorrow’s style section on a hot new trend, limited edition t-shirts! talk about impeccable timing. the article has a handful of links to some old familiars like…and some crap you might really regret clicking (avoid at all costs!). so maybe the times haven’t got all the hottest up…see old notcot posts for tshirts with more aesthetically pleasing designs…but still…pretty awesome article nonethless. and in case you haven’t already, send notcot your t-requests…and money. did you kids see the donate button yet? use it. out.
Hehe, thanks for the post. I leave you with this… Threadless is the new Gap? NYTs article here.
More goodies from Stereohype. Thanks to TeeJunkie for pointing out this great site. (Those guys have filled the void i didn’t know i had.)
Teeheehee. Notcot is now B.I.O. I am loving that phrase.
designed by Yorgo Tloupas “The F**K B**H badge is the ultimate airport customs accessory. Its metallic construction makes it sensitive to metal detectors, and its subtle message guarantees you a special treatment by US Customs officials. Revive the free spirit of the sixties today with a bold statement expressed in a flowery style.”
This was one of my favorites of the Stereohype B.I.O Series 1… that whole 60’s stylization makes anything just seem happier… or helps disguise its contents until people actually read what it says.
Found one of these “maps” yesterday. Its gorgeous, and has great detailing, when you put it up, the shadowing of the creases of an old map really age it, although its printed on fine Italian paper (and is actually for gift wrap)… but at 4$ it looks great up! Dying to get a hold of the actual product catalog… Anyone have some connections to make that happen? Would love an old antique Milan map replica like that… or who knows what other goodies are available? Cavallini $ Co.
This one’s from mom! Who, if we’re lucky will keep sending more fabulous finds, after all she’s the one i probably inherited much of my design aesthetic from. Here is Shane Inder’s IronMan…
“I wanted to put a bit of fun into it. They’re usually seen as a utilitarian item but now, with the Ironman, they are being seen as gifts. I think it’s pretty much on all the wedding lists at Living & Giving.” Just because they have become aesthetic objects doesn’t mean they have become less practical than ordinary ironing boards.
Cute idea, pity the man doesn’t actually put the shirt on, and magically iron like those 10 second machines? Still, absolutely adorable.
For anyone who ever wondered what that would look like. Wow. Too much free time. But must watch. Via Pixel y Dixel
wearable - 07.18.05 -
My first all alone at home screen print! Yes, i’m thrilled, its my little experiment of the day… in the very limited run of well… 4! But was experimenting with sun exposure for emulsion, and doodles with multi colors… and taking a paintbrush to the thing… If you recognize the image, it’s because it was the first notcot post image by Shade Elaine (and yes, i kind of had my way with it, to play with color and experiment).
WANT ONE? for 15$? Details after…
TO PAGE 2 of "Girl’s First Tee"! ----->
design - 07.17.05 -
Yes, thats a Round Firm and Pointy’s personal ad. Amazing whats attractive in a font isn’t it? And how you know what you want when you see it? So meeting the font of your dreams isn’t impossible? Here’s a cute little “Typographic Dating Game” for you… Also take a look at Thinking with Type, apparently it is THE book you all need to read on type if you haven’t already done so… gorgeous book. Fun game. Happy Sunday to you.
Joakim Harneborn, now one of Wallpapers Design Issue’s TOP 10 Designers to watch! … not to mention my best friend from my Master’s program in interaction/experience design Seriously, this one goes out to him, and how amazing it is to make Wallpaper. Congrats! And if any of you readers need some brilliant minds with clean design aesthetics and forward thinking ideas when it comes to usability/technology/ecology/design drop us a line here at notcot and we can get you in contact with up and come-ers in this new evolving field. Stateside or Euro we’ve got you covered. {or for people who don’t need our services, but like what we do… notcot is now taking donations… b/c its late at night and i was playing with paypal… and well, i guess we could use the help paying off all the maddness it takes to run this little bundle of fun? so check out my wee button on the left in the Hot-Linx!}