*NOTCOT in design - 06.27.07 -

Citizen Citizen in SFMoMA

Woohoo! The infamous Coke Spoon collection (well #1 and #2 anyhow, poor left out #3, what were they thinking?) as well as the Play Boy Swizzle Stick of Tobias Wong and Ju$t Another Rich Kid by Citizen Citizen are going into the permanent collection at SFMoMA. It’s nice to hear that larger institutions are quickly embracing these playful pieces which recontextualize the way you perceive things as simple as a McDonald’s stirrer, or a bic pen cap… gold clearly does amazing things. As does naming.

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*NOTCOT in design -

Skirball Noah’s Ark

Opening day of the much anticipated Skirball Cultural Center’s Noah’s Ark Exhibit today, and i managed to stop by before drive up to SF. It is essentially an interactive, extremely hands on, low tech space filled with creatures made from more recycled goods than you can imagine… built to withstand anything kids can do to them. In essence, i haven’t quite felt like i was 5 in a long time (particularly when one of their edutainment ladies actually asked me in that kindergarten teacher voice “have you seen what happens when you spin the barrel?” and “did you find this giraffe’s partner yet?”). Three phases, in three rooms, you experience the loading of the ark and exploring the environment, the interior of the ark during the flood, and the rainbow that concludes the space. It’s a fascinating and playful space full of pulleys, wheels, sounds, textures, rock walls, and creatures that will truly be loved by kids of all ages. There are also “happenings” filled with musical instruments and stories for all to play and experience together.

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*NOTCOT in food+drink - 06.25.07 -

TasteSpotting Roundup

TasteSpotting #2403TasteSpotting #2410TasteSpotting #2413TasteSpotting #2412TasteSpotting #2418TasteSpotting #2424TasteSpotting #2435TasteSpotting #2439TasteSpotting #2447TasteSpotting #2438Click the images to see more. Ok, yes, that IS an iphone on TasteSpotting… its showing off 101Cookbooks.com’s iphone ready site. But seriously, being in giddy hungry TasteSpotting mood today, here’s a taste of what’s been showing up over there lately for anyone that hasn’t checked in to get some culinary inspiration.

*NOTCOT in food+drink -

Best Food Blogs

Our little TasteSpotting is growing up fast! Freshly submitted to TasteSpotting: the Debonair Magazine Food Blog Awards. And we’re totally blushing over here. Honored to be given “Best Food Blog Directory”, which i guess in some regard we can be considered a blog… and a directory… although personally i never really thought of us as either, but more of something that had a few characteristics of each. Anyhow, i digress. We’re listed with some of our favorites - a few being: Chez Pim, Nordjus, Chocolate & Zucchini, Midtown Lunch, 101 Cookbooks, Eater, and more!

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*NOTCOT in wearable -

Catalina Estrada for Anunciação Summer ‘08

Collaborations… They’re old news now, right? But once in awhile, a collabo still manages to wow us. I first became aware of the fashion shows in São Paulo about a year ago. Like you’d expect everything else to be in Brazil, the designs are brighter, livelier, and more fun than what you might see anywhere else. Catalina Estrada, whose colorful illustrations I remember seeing way back in issue No. 7 of Swindle, has teamed up with Brazilian label Anunciação and the results have got me dreaming of a nice tropical vacation. Shown above are some of the clothes from the Summer 08 line (because our Winter in the Northern Hemisphere is their Summer..?). See more from Summer 08 and Winter 07 after the jump!

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*NOTCOT in design -

Time to Work Out?

Every have one of those days where the world (read: internet) is trying to send you a message? A message like “go workout”? Or maybe its just some of the great design i found over at the Brandon Blog this morning. He has these gorgeous ads from a Brazilian Gym. The copy says: 1) Give your slender body a chance to get rid of you 2) Find your slender body hidden somewhere in your scale 3) Get rid of your weight off your shoulders. And below i also have the Nike+ ad that i can’t stop laughing from… “I’m not a runner… i don’t enjoy breathing heavy like a pregnant walrus… how can anyone be addicted to this? There’s no way around it, running sucks. But you know what sucks more? MAN BOOBS.” So true.

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*NOTCOT in wearable - 06.23.07 -

Erica Weiner & Jenny Kwok

Erica Weiner has brilliant dark and beautiful jewelry… and since we last wrote about her her site has had some serious redesigning going on thanks to Jenny Kwok, and i love the aged paper, dusty old apothecary feel with creepy crawlies everywhere… not to mention some of the great new pieces. Can you believe that is a bronze cast of a Ruby Throated Hummingbird’s Skull? And she has many great pairings of bird+bird whistles, birds+planes, etc. Snap shot of the site below…

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*NOTCOT in design -

Face your pockets

What’s in your pockets? Face Your Pockets is a great scanner art project scanning the faces and pocket/purse contents of people… its one of those fascinatingly voyeuristic pieces that you can’t stop browsing through, and the style of the imagery takes the whole “what’s in your bag” themed photo groups to a whole new level. via Evasee.

You too can contribute your face and pockets: “The process. Place the objects on the scanner. Place your face/part of it on the scanner as well. Aaaaand scan it! Send us the picture you’ve got to: faceyourpockets@gmail.com — (Don’t forget to mention your name and occupation. Also the email should include the list of objects you’ve scanned - keys, granny’s photo, gum etc.) & Attention! During the scanning process it is recommended not to open your eyes. If you feel that you can handle it and open them, DO NOT follow the light on its move! The authors of this project didn’t find any side-effects on themselves. However, the authors do not bear the responsibilty for possible consequences. At your own risk :)”

*NOTCOT in design - 06.22.07 -

Jeremy Pettis

From ORG #4877, i discovered the typographic genius of Jeremy Pettis… and his zoological MIAD Senior Exhibition: Twenty Six Types of Animals, and i am obsessed with them. Brilliant fonts each reflecting the letter and characteristics of the animals. All bound into a gorgeous book with behind the scenes of the typography. And check out that carpet he took the pics on?

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*NOTCOT in wearable -

NOTCouture Roundup

NotCouture #308NotCouture #314NotCouture #355NotCouture #363NotCouture #389NotCouture #367NotCouture #362NotCouture #361NotCouture #348NotCouture #325Click the images to find out more! While i was doing a NOTCOT.org roundup, figured it’d be a good time to show you some of what has been showing up on NOTCouture… top row is filled with some fun bags (i’m trying the themed roundup out here) and bottom row is filled with some things for the boys.

*NOTCOT in me -

ORG Roundup

NOTCOT.org #4845NOTCOT.org #4841NOTCOT.org #4835NOTCOT.org #4825NOTCOT.org #4823NOTCOT.org #4821NOTCOT.org #4801NOTCOT.org #4782NOTCOT.org #4770NOTCOT.org #4744Click the images to see more! It’s been a while since i’ve done some of these, been a bit wrapped up bouncing between LA and SF lately… and getting things ready with NotCouture - much like TasteSpotting there is so much i’m learning and desperately craving from the wealth of incredible submissions people have been finding. So i’ll definitely try to make these visual roundups more regular, but there is SO much showing up on NOTCOT.org daily, i have a terribly hard time picking what to display here as well! (*Hint hint* ~ if you haven’t already, bookmark it! make it your homepage! etc. and feel free to contribute great finds you think we’ve missed!)

*NOTCOT in home+decor -

Dream Kid’s Room

Design*Sponge had a reader send in these pics of her little girls room, and i couldn’t resist reposting them to show you. It’s refreshingly girly… and has the tord boontje before dawn curtains (casting some awesome shadows)… the birds of a feather mobile, bird/tree lamp, some great stenciling on the walls that matches it all beautifully. Also, check out that cool teepee like nook and crazy slanted door? Inspiring design job on this lucky little girl’s room.

*NOTCOT in design -

Obama + Design

While i tend to stay out of politics, and do keep it off this site… (although we did mention that Barack Obama started his own social network my.barackobama.com earlier - because it is interesting to see a candidate jump into the myspace/facebook realm)… i am impressed with the 008 The Movement campaign visuals: the nicely designed buttons, stickers, and shirts. Is Barack Obama trying to appeal to the designer set? Or does he really appreciate the importance of design? Anyhow, just wanted to show you some pics of the cool schwag.

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*NOTCOT in food+drink - 06.21.07 -

Milagro Tequila

Today i’m smitten by these Milagro Tequila bottles… These select barrel reserve bottles are in hand-blown crystal bottles. And the Romance is a mix of the reserve resposado and the anejo in what resembles an oil/vinegar bottle.

*NOTCOT in playful - 06.20.07 -

Gloo Man

Gloo Man (and WOman) ~ From Pixels to Paper, Just Add GLOO! Business in the back, party in the front? Or vice versa depending which side is facing you… These guys have officially taken the bored at work paper toys to a whole new level… you can customize away online, and out comes the pdf. Then cut and paste your dual personality character and *poof* instant amusement. SO. CUTE. Let’s just say when your office runs out of magenta ink… hide your army of Gloo Persons.

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