wearable - 04.27.07 -
Granted i’m not a huge sneaker girl (although i do love my share of shoes)… i DO love packaging, and while i didn’t know what to think when i first got emailed by Jason Markk… i’m quite impressed with their gorgeous packaging. Premium sneaker cleaner - in a quality mini sneaker box, with playful labeling and what resembles paint splatter and koi. And within the box… 8 oz. Premium Sneaker Solution and Sneaker Cleaning Brush. Gorgeous - see my hands on pics below - nice attention to detail.
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tech - 04.26.07 -
The “arts and crafts” badge. The “I may look like a scientist but I’m actually also a ninja” badge. The “sexing up science” badge. The “my degree inadvertently makes me competent in fixing household appliances” badge. The “I left the respectable sciences to pursue humanistic studies of the sciences” badge. The “has frozen stuff just to see what happens” badge (LEVEL III) The “dodger of monkey shit” badge. The “inordinately fond of invertebrate” badge. The “knows how to collect semen from more than one species” badge. (from left to right, top to bottom)…. THESE are some of my favorites from the Order of the Science Scouts Badges… but really they are all too hilarious (and cutely iconic) for words.
When I was a wee kid I loved playing with water. In fact, I used the backyard patio as my giant canvas, drawing stuff on the concrete with just water and my little fingers. And then *poof*, it all disappeared and I had a blank canvas again. Notcot and I are always dreaming of a future studio and how we’d decorate it and what stuff we’d have in it… Well we agree these Solid Poetry slabs by Amsterdam based designer Frederik Molenschot are a must! The hidden design appears when it comes into contact with water. We could enjoy our future studio’s patio/deck even when it’s rainy outside. And it’d make me feel like a kid again… Check out images of multiple slabs put together after the jump!
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USA, 2 for you + 2 to share, $5:
International, 2 for you + 2 to share, $6:
Yes, these are all over my floor right now. The package from Busy Beaver showed up, i tore it open, poured them out, and can’t stop grinning. There is something extremely fun and satisfying about seeing NOTCOT on all these little 1” buttons. (And it probably helps that i’ve always wanted to bulk order buttons, but never knew what to put on them!) So please excuse me for being a little slow on the posting yesterday and today… between the pins, figuring out hosting, and cleaning/rearranging to make space for the new couches showing up tomorrow - been a little behind! BUT - back to the buttons… not sure what to do with them yet, perhaps Shade Elaine and i will make cute sets you can order cheaply, or start a flickr group to see where they end up, or just leave them in bars, or hand them out randomly at an art show…. ideas? (there will surely be a follow up post soon once we figure this out)
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tech - 04.25.07 -
KeyPort - an all in one key fob… just get specialized blanks cut to match your car, house, boat, locker, etc keys and the slot right in. In the press kit it says that it is “created to complement your personal style and organize those jagged objects you can’t live without.” And currently under development are RFID for remote keyless entry (or anything else you can imagine - be creative here), Alarm Remote (for your car entry/alarms/etc), and Flashlight (mini LEDs!)… hey, where’s my usb key? Either way, i’m dying to get my hands on one to try it out, my purse could certainly use less things to get scratched up on! and it would certainly work better to slip in a pocket.
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home+decor - 04.24.07 -
Henry Julier’s Magneto Shelves have a hidden splash of color coating a few neodymium magnets embedded in the wood… spotted these over at design*sponge, and suddenly wish i had more large magnetic surfaces to stick these to! Modular, flexible, and subtly playful.
What does a kiss LOOK like? How does what it looks like convey what it FEELS like? I’m not sure, but there is something complex and sensual about these pieces by Lola & Bailey ~ and this “The FIRST Kiss” collection. There are 5 kisses in all… here are the first four… check out Lola & Bailey to see the 5th. I discovered them through .org #4005.
food+drink - 04.23.07 -
Click the square to find out what it is! Same deal as the .org roundups, except its dinner time PST, so if you happen to still be (over)working and forgot to get food yet, here’s a little something courtesy of the incredible food community at TasteSpotting to whet your appetite, or inspire your inner chef.
Click each little square to find out more! You have no idea how hard it is to pick 10 great posts from NOTCOT.org each time i try to do these… There are constantly too many inspiring and brain tickling posts that all of you contribute (and if you haven’t been contributing, but find things you think are even cooler than what you see on the site, why aren’t you?) Seriously, if you haven’t tested it out yet, NOTCOT.org and TasteSpotting are our pet projects that we have tried to make as EASY as possible (except for the part where you need to pick a picture - BUT we autocrop and scale it!) - all you need is an image, link, and a quick caption to make us want to see what it is.
Took a stroll down Haight and noticed these gorgeous glass vases - Tear by Canadian company, Chive, over at Doe. Couldn’t decide between the colors and sizes so opted to run home and post them first while i mull it over. More images below. There was something so beautiful and simple about how well it hung from a single nail, and had such a nice organic giant water droplet feel. I think i’m leaning towards the clear ones.
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What happens when toys go save the world happy? DOMA’s Acid Sweeties toys for Kid Robot. “From Argentina, where suave desserts and happy pills keep company with nauseous oil barrels and 3-D lightning bolts, street art and design collective DOMA firmly plants one foot in reality and the other in psycho-tropics. Acid Sweeties, their first mini figure series, is an absurd medley of happy colors and bright characters.”
design - 04.22.07 -
Remember those Cucumber Lab guys who made that gorgeous sound machine? Well now they’ve changed their name to Blanc & Reed, but they’re still creating some beautiful objects. Kind of appropriate for Earth day and appreciating the things that nature creates, check out these chairs that they recently designed. They are made following a “concept derived the flowing lines of seashells. Similar to the construction of a shell’s surface, the individual ridges running the length of the chair provide strength, while maintaining an overall lightweight structure.” Pretty slick.
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design - 04.21.07 -
Rich Tuzon - yes my latest obsession from the Samurai vs Cowboy theme (after a bit of argument, the consensus seems to be that samurais without ninjas would totally lose to the gun toting cowboys… beg to differ?)… Anyhow, a quick glance at his blog, and found that this pasadena artist has some great Zorro pieces. “These were done with the amazing Winsor Newton Series 7 brushes…It can load such a ginormous amount of liqiud and yet give such a consistent tip, that I feel I can extend a line for miles…and miles…and miles.”
Gallery 1988’s SF space just opened tonight, in time with APE, and The Indie was an incredible show. Honestly what i’d hoped I Am 8-bit would be more like. The art was amazing, and if i had to pick one piece that has been stuck in my head since, its Rich Tuzon’s “Samurai vs. Cowboy”… as well as his other cowboy themed pieces… They feel like the manlier version of Audrey Kawasaki’s pieces in a way… (and the other one up there is Graham Annable’s “Space Saddness”). Incredible selection of artwork, you can see more of them at the 1988 The Indie page, and pictures from the opening in Gallery NOTCOT… and a few more below.
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