*NOTCOT in design - 09.07.07 -

Sealing Chanel

chanelsealmain.jpgI have had a Chanel day. Literally. But before i get into how in one day i was inundated with all things Chanel, and have a new found respect and fascination for the woman, the brand, the perfumerie (with stories from Chanel perfume creator Jacques Polge himself), the stunning timelessness of the jewelry, the sneak preview of the Keira Knightley film (as introduced by THE artistic director, Jacques Helleu), following Coco Chanel’s secret route from the Ritz to the original store, untouched apartment of inspiration, workshop, haute couture dressing rooms, and the incredible staircase… i wanted to show you the incredibly detailed process behind the sealing of the Chanel bottles… and the best part? I actually got to try it for myself ~ and it’s not easy, but if all else fails i suppose i can attempt to join their team of 100, who seal the bottles day after day by hand. (Also, how great is this mini seal tool? I think we need a NOTCOT one!) Loads of images below.

p.s. Before you think Chanel bought me off ~ think of this whole trip as more of the field trip of a lifetime. An interesting move on their part, they brought a group of international bloggers to Paris, and immersed us in the world of Chanel excitedly sharing with us the stories of their past, a peek into how things work behind the scenes, as well as a glance at what they are moving towards and what their brand philosophies are. Honestly, it kind of felt like design school again ~ you remember those studio visits with your design idols? Where they are as excited to be telling you about their work as you are to be there?

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*NOTCOT in me - 09.06.07 -

In Paris

Remember i mentioned Chanel was bringing bloggers to Paris? Well i’m there now (hence the lack of posting) and as you will see if you peek at my quick random snapshots, i’m actually getting some of that much needed relaxing in the big cushy bed right now - although i should be sleeping, not acting like the internet junkie i am paying for my few hours of hotel connection to check the 100+ emails today, check in on the sites (the editors and submitters are too good at what they do, thrilled to see so many great posts up!) and upload a few pics… Real posts coming sometime after Saturday night when i’m back in LA probably…

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*NOTCOT in wearable - 09.04.07 -

Cleavage Cupcakes

cleavagecupcake.jpgBefore you judge this post too quickly ~ i have a reason for it! Just hear me out. We’ve learned a lot since launching NOTCOT.org and TasteSpotting and now NotCouture… and one of the unintentional (and oh so obvious now) things we’ve discovered are trends that pop up each week (as things go through waves of popularity, we start to see a lot of repeats)… and also people tend to click a LOT more if there is a hint of cleavage on a NOTCOT.org post (yes, i know, it’s the internet, its a given)… what we didn’t expect? Cupcakes have the same effect on TasteSpotting! People LOVE cupcakes, so it has been an inside joke for us that cupcakes are the culinary cleavage (as coined by Colin). So when i saw these Cleavage Cupcakes in the store today, i nearly burst out laughing. Check out some of their other fun products below.

p.s. we do NOT front posts based on how much cleavage or cupcakeness they have, if the editors love it, we post it.

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*NOTCOT in wearable -

C&C Octopus

ccoctopus.jpgNothing some good old fashioned shopping can’t cure. Just spent a few hours at Century City ~ and couldn’t resist this C&C California Women’s Octopus Tank from their Summer Malibu Collection! Although seldom a fan of their printed pieces… how sweet are these octopi? Currently on sale over at Cusp (Neiman Marcus equiv of Barney’s Coop). Also check out the “faded black” (can we just call it GREY?) dress version below ~ not nearly as fun.

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*NOTCOT in me -

Wow its Tuesday

NOTCOT.org #6020NOTCOT.org #6019NOTCOT.org #6018NOTCOT.org #6017NOTCOT.org #6016Yup ~ i lacked the energy to do a proper post today ~ so instead i added some links i loved over on org in my laziness to write/code up something longer… so click those pics! And think of it as a 5-in-1 of wonderfully cool inspiring projects worth looking at!

In all honesty this failed vacation hasn’t gotten better ~ i haven’t exactly stopped or relaxed exactly, nonstop meetings/calls/emails/decision making… so i’m off to Paris with Chanel on weds ~ back in LA saturday night ~ then driving up to SF monday for the FM Conversational Marketing Summit ~ then trying again at this vacation thing perhaps?

SO silly 3:21am question of the night/morning ~ Paris ~ if i have a few hours to spare, any must see recommendations of unique stores or art exhibitions going on? (Colette is on my must visit list already) Thanks!

*NOTCOT in design - 09.02.07 -

Orouni and Harrington

orouni.jpgOn gorgeous submissions that brighten up my inbox ~ from musician Orouni. This is his latest concert flyer for a show in Paris in October~ its a watercolor painting by Steven Harrington called the Basefield Contribution. View the full flyer below!

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*NOTCOT in design -

NOTCOT.org Roundup

NOTCOT.org #5966NOTCOT.org #5969NOTCOT.org #5973NOTCOT.org #5986NOTCOT.org #5906NOTCOT.org #5979NOTCOT.org #5959NOTCOT.org #5937NOTCOT.org #5935NOTCOT.org #5987Click the pics to see more! I tried to theme the .org roundup this week ~ top row relatively nature related… typographic gorilla, crazy tree in the car advert, photography with wild animals in domesticated spaces, yes - that next one is a ninja turtle, and my nature row wouldn’t be complete without the brilliantly snarky Indie Tits! As for the bottom row, i started out going for robots/gadget-creatures… lke the spray can creature, and the incredible robots of ashley wood, the transformers death star… then somehow started to stray into lego escher land! And ended up with the Google Earth Flight Simulator (How awesome is that? If you haven’t played with it yet, you really should… and although they launched google sky ~ you can’t quite play astronaut flight simulator yet…)

*NOTCOT in wearable -

NotCouture Roundup

NotCouture #884NotCouture #883NotCouture #853NotCouture #886NotCouture #856NotCouture #873NotCouture #868NotCouture #874NotCouture #867NotCouture #852Click the pics to find out more! Other than the fact that we are having a California heatwave of sorts… i think since we’re now into September ~ and its nearly after labor day… we are officially in Fall. So here are a few pics from NotCouture to get your shopping going this week ~ top row for the ladies, and bottom for the gents.

*NOTCOT in food+drink -

TasteSpotting Roundup

TasteSpotting #3752TasteSpotting #3738TasteSpotting #3732TasteSpotting #3730TasteSpotting #3728TasteSpotting #3714TasteSpotting #3713TasteSpotting #3706TasteSpotting #3697TasteSpotting #3689Click the pics to find out more! Mmmmm, Happy Labor Day! Since for all the americans this should be a nice monday off, and for the rest of the world its just another monday… it seems like a perfect excuse to give you some delicious sweets to kick your week off with, or end your long weekend with (who knows, with the day off, perhaps we can help inspire you to dabble in the kitchen a bit?)… anyhow, here are some terribly delicious looking sugary sweet finds from TasteSpotting this week.

*NOTCOT in tech - 09.01.07 -

Balmuda’s X-Base

balmuda1.jpgThis heatwave in California needs to stop. It’s seriously hot out ~ although gorgeous beach weather for sure… but one thing that is unnecessary is having my macbook pro function as a space heater in this weather while i work. Not sure about you, but nearly everyone i know and work with has a 15” macbook pro ~ and it is HOT, literally will burn your precious lap after an hour or so of serious working… which is where this overdue product review comes in.

So, i’ve had this Balmuda X-Base the last few weeks and we’ve all hovered around this gorgeous slab of aluminum with a giant heatsink, and really just weren’t sure what to say about it exactly. But tonight i just realized, it is PERFECT for moments like this. It is far too hot to let my laptop overheat my room right now, and that heatsink works its magic the moment you set the laptop down on it. “X-Base is composed of parts machined from blocks of aluminum and stainless steel (except for the heat sink) bolted together.” See more pictures and i’ll continue my review below.

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*NOTCOT in design - 08.31.07 -

Elettra in the City

I was browsing for bags (as usual) ~ and ended up on the Lamarthe Paris site, and beyond falling for their products, i also love their web design and the film on it! The layout of the whole site is based around an old hardcore (dust jacket and all) book, and you can flip through the pages of the various sections (more imagery below). The film is just too cute, and you must check it out ~ “Elettra in the City” is “A story that ends with the word handbag.” by Zoe Cassavetes (actress, director, and producer - daughter of Gena Rolands and John Casavetes) and stars Elettra Rossellini-Weidemann (international top model and daughter of Isabella Rosellini and Jonathan Wiedemann). I love the voiceover ~ and if you flip to the script section, it really does feel like a 4th grade reader. More images of some of my favorite ‘pages’ below.

Also, i just love the idea of defining a film in one line by the word it ends with. Especially if that word is ‘handbag’.

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*NOTCOT in design - 08.30.07 -

Nike Clock Interactive

Pardon my premature posting earlier (previous Nike Gone Running Clock post) ~ i was too excited to be playing with the real thing in my hands i forgot to hunt down more info. Luckily for you (and me) Rob over at I Love Substance left a note that the online Women’s Nike Store with the Interactive Gone Running Clock ~ best part? You can drag the hands around, and they have an anti-excuse for any time you pick about why you should be running. Some of my favorites are below. AND? For all of you that wanted your own, you can register and get one.

Also, above is my favorite one of all - “The internet will be here when you get back. Promise.” I think thats my cue to back away from the laptop… and perhaps run a little.

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*NOTCOT in tech -

Camera Bag?

Question of the day i’m posing to all readers: What camera bag do you use for your dSLR? The reason i ask? I got a new lens for my “much overdue for an upgrade to the 40d” digi-rebel, and it got me hunting again for camera bags. What IS the nicest, most elegantly designed camera bag? I couldn’t find any. I went through every camera store online, and then the brands official sites from there, and even trailed around through all the randomness on amazon. The nicest looking options really are going the messenger bag route which moves you away from screaming “there’s a camera in here” slightly. But the issue i’m having is, i want the protection for the body and lens, but i dont want to have to sacrifice needing to schlep yet another bulky thing around (usually i’ve just been sticking it in whatever purses i have that it barely fits in). So i’m curious what you use or recommend?

My solution of the moment is my Botkier Bryant “Camera bag” Satchel. just wide enough to fit it nicely (as well as all the other contents of my purse, which usually include my smaller digicam and huge wallet, etc)… and i’m thinking of making a light foam insert for the bottom and around the lens. So i’m just curious, am i the only one who doesn’t treat my dslr with the loving care i know it deserves and just sticks it in my purses? Isn’t it about time someone designs some bags for those of us who take our camera everywhere with us, but don’t want the hardcore photographer look? (I’m no photographer, but i do love taking the random snapshots at gallery openings and such for here) Ok i’m done griping… time for solutions!

*NOTCOT in design -

Nike Gone Running

Gone Running, will return at: _____. Great little signs that they were giving out in the Portland airport Nike store a while ago (thanks, mom!). Too cute not to post - close ups below. They also had HUGE versions of these in the niketown windows in downtown SF last time i wandered by there. Love that the rambling text on the back ~ fonts, layouts, simplicity.

UPDATE: if you like THIS (or want one of your own) check out the follow up post on the interactive version and how to get your own.

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*NOTCOT in food+drink - 08.29.07 -

Muzi Tea

muzi.jpgMuzi Tea ~ as incredibly good for you the tea is… i’m smitten by the accessories and the vibrant green color of the tea powder… also the packaging of the gift sets! (see below). And take a look at their new chocolates, i love how seemingly random the pieces break off (unlike those perfect Hershey’s rectangles, where’s the fun in that?). For the complete process you need the whisk and whisk holder (what great curves), the bowl, and the tea. Take a look at the gift pack below, beautiful minimalist packaging.

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