home+decor - 10.08.06 -
Skip Hop ~ it’s not just for babies and parents. Well it is, and they make great Home and Nursery Essentials for the Modern Parent, but when I got my hands on some samples, i knew it had far more potential! So, i’m sure you’ve seen the Splash making its rounds around the the design blogs for its gorgeous design by Scott Henderson (former head of Smart Design and member of the MINT collective, you probably know his work on OXO kitchen products)… but what happens when your baby outgrows these designer goods? (or if you’re like me, and not quite ready for baby making, but love the design?) The Red Splash is for bottle drying, and the Toolbox is for diapers… would you have guessed if i hadn’t told you? More thorough reviews and tons of images after the jump.
But, seriously, anything that is baby proof, is probably art proof. (The thickness and high quality of the plastics used impressed me) Skip Hop’s products are in a unique realm of Parenting Products… they are actually useful before or after parenting… and incredibly well designed as well. So if you’re looking for baby shower presents, these are some they won’t have to give away when the kid grows up… not to mention the packaging is as well designed as the products themselves (see images below).
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It’s all a bit of a blur this morning. The usual loud people filled music/street festival type of a morning after blur. You know what i mean. The surprising thing was this was in LA. I’m used to them almost anywhere BUT here, strange isn’t it? And then as you stumble around the kitchen reaching for some water, your eyes start to focus on the front page of the LA Times, and then theres that moment of, OH. Right. LA Weekly Detour Festival yesterday. There was some pretty cool art there - surprisingly put on by Caltrans (more pics below).
Check out this LA Times article about how LA (downtown especially) is changing… there were 4 massive events going on in downtown yesterday apparently (this certainly explains the INSANE traffic all night long) ~ Game at Dodger Stadium, Game at the Coliseum, Moon Festival in Chinatown, AND the LA Weekly Detour. Wow. Suddenly i’m amazed i got in/out alive. For a great description of what the scene was like, read the LA Times Article. Best quote “For an afternoon, the center of LA seemed suddenly awash in hipness. Unlike the button-down workday crowd, the visitors were a mass of skinny jeans, slouchy boots and oversized sunglasses.” This multi stage festival even veered into St. Vibiana’s cathedral (same place the GOOD Mag party was held)… only this time we caught VHS or Beta spinning and there were many black leather couches to chill out on. Beck and his marionettes were cute too.
But back to art. Chickenwire-frame/plastic wrap car… mangled casts of bodies under a flag… seahorses… neon light maddness… lots of projection art… and performance are in the Caltrans plaza, more pics below.
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BathBoat! Inverted boat turned into bathtub. Brilliant! This 2005 piece by the dutch designer, Wieki Somers, is the centerpiece of the bathroom featured in today’s NYTimes Style Magazine, “Design is the New Art … For the cutting-edge design dealers Didier and Clemence Krzentowski, home mixes business and pleasure.” which Rugenius posted to .org… and i had to find out more. So more images below for all!
Now about that boat. The concept is so ironic and beautiful. After all, traditionally speaking, if your boat is filling with water, not exactly time to be lounging around, no? Somer’s actually states that “Floating on the water and bathing in the water deal with so much similar feelings and elements that they are combined in one installation. By turning a small boat inside out it becomes a bath.” How poetic? Seriously, gorgeous, amusing pictures below. Oh, and also, love how she sees the bath tub “feet” as something reminiscent of a stand for dry docking your boat.
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Rugenius found this great german fishloft…. brilliant enough to need to be featured here as well. So you love your fish in your pond? So you cant see them enough? FISHLOFT! I can’t help but wonder though, will they really swim up the “loft? Will algae not grow all over? I guess it gives you REAL motivation to keep the water crystal clear? Will you wake up to cats and birds swatting at the loft? So if anyone has one, or gets one, let us know!
design - 10.06.06 -
Been working a lot with ThisNext, and i’m sure you may have noticed i’m pretty into the sticker branding they’ve got going for them… and with the amount of graphics i’ve been developing using their signature font, VAG Rounded, i’ve grown quite attached to it. So when i looked into it and realized it had quite a history behind its initially bizarre name… had to share. So here it is: Developed for Volkswagen AG in 1979, VAG Rounded is a variation on nineteenth-century grotesque sans serif designs. What is unusual about VAG Rounded is that the terminal of every stroke is rounded. Use it for technical or instructional manuals, or advertising. Designers: David Bristow, Gerry Barney, Ian Hay, Kit Cooper, and Terence Griffin.
Sleek, pretty, mesmerizing, fresh? Fell for Circle Jewelry Designs today ~ enough that i know i found them from another site, but while over working managed to lose track and simply had the Circle site open in a tab for hours… The middle one grabs me the most… quartz crystal on the sides, around your choice of blue topaz, peridot (shown), citrine (shown), iolite, amethyst , or garnet. The first ring has moonstone. The necklace (kind of reminds me of those candy buttons…. its the mini hemispheres, isn’t it?) black onyx and sterling silver pendant on 18 inch black onyx, frosted quartz, and sterling beaded necklace.
home+decor - 10.05.06 -
THABTO’s Buckle Up Products are genius in the Buckle Up Product line they have a key holder and dog leash… via Core77
So it’s been iPod day here at NOTCOT, three great cases found their way here this week, and i was impressed enough that i saved them to show you all at once. You’ve seen the thorough reviews of the Brenthaven Flip Case, Podstar Diablo Darkside, and the Vaja i-volution Case… but how do they compare?
In my opinion, and after some serious ipod case shopping, there are a LOT out there, and only few that truly stand out in terms of design, quality, functionality and packaging. These three all have a bit of character and stood out above the rest. Together i feel they show you three personalities of my ipod, ok or i shouldn’t project onto my technology… they perfectly represent my various moods when using my ipod. My final conclusions? See below.
And if you beg to differ, or have better options to offer, feel free to comment.
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Vaja has been earning quite the reputation around the internet the last year or so for being THE cases to have for phones, laptops, psps, ipods, etc. (and now they even have messenger bags!). This Argentinean company really knows how to take molded leather to the next level, and the number of pantone colors they offer, wow. I’ll put it out there, that when i was browsing their site, i wasn’t sure what to make of their i-volution ipod case, that bump on the back turned me off… But they were kind enough to send one over anyhow, in this gorgeous red… and that bump while still thickening the overall size slightly, manages to give it a “leather suit” that is more protective than most others. I’m also in love with their packaging… this is one company that you will never have to question their dedication to quality and design… look at the way they present their products!?!?! Gorgeous box - in a sleeve - beautiful logo and subtle gloss on matte repeated Vaja texture. The feel and color of the case really blew me away when i opened the box… the buttons on the back hold it very securely, and they also include protectors for front and back which are thin clear pieces of flexible plastic. One thing is that you have no hold button access, but otherwise its a gorgeously luxurious leather “suit” for your ipod. Many pictures from all angles below.
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I’ve had a crush on the Malaysian brand Podstar since they launched (see old post)… so i’m just glowing that the product has surpassed my high expectations. So here is my iPod dressed in its Diablo Darkside…. the baseball card like bio for him says he’s age:30, and ex-con/costumed defender of justic, likes: spike lee and wu tang, and dislikes: corruption. But seriously, i thought it would be like my old iskin cases… silicon - does it’s job, thats all…. well Podstar’s cases, are incredibly high quality to the touch, and absolutely love the horns (and the earing is removable!) and the TAIL! Gorgeous design, well executed, fun packaging, nice website. Nice touch is that they have a flap to protect the port on the bottom as well. So on my more devious days, you’ll find my ipod in this. Lots of images below. Also, new limited edition angelically devilish white series available now.
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I used to have an iPod 3gen before i finally caved and got the new 80 gig video… so when i first saw the Brenthaven case, i must admit i was curious, why would i REALLY need a replacement dock/case duo? But then, like so many other things you don’t realize you NEED until after you try it, i got hooked. Imagine you’re crammed on a plane, or just sitting at your desk at work, it IS kind of nice to be able to pull it out of its case, and have it at the perfect angle for close quarters movie watching, or to see what’s playing while at your desk. So while i never needed this brilliant multipurpose case, now i can’t live without it. Also the leather is great quality, and the brown and baby blue combo is one of my favorite color palettes. Fits like a glove… a very perfectly fitting glove… that’s lined with baby blue suede so nothing gets scratched up. Flip Case by Brenthaven… More close up images below…
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I didn’t know i could crave a cube hardboiled egg… until now. Andrew Huff has a great flickr set of the egg cuber in action ~ apparently this is some retro device that i’ve missed out on? You take your hardboiled egg while warm, stick it in here, screw the cap down, and *poof* square egg? Lots of various pictures and video below…
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I think i’m aging faster lately because these .org roundups are how i measure time, and it feels like they are every other day practically. You too? Or maybe thats just me?
My mom has been one of the biggest sources of inspiration, as well as one of the most influential design sources to both my sister and I, so you can’t imagine how happy i am that she reads and loves the site, and even offered to pick this week’s .org roundup! So here we have some of her picks of clean minimalistic/utilitarian design choices… from compartmentalized recycling/trash bins, functional tiles, pasta plates, dominoes, and print-a-toast.
(l-r, 1558, 1588, 1586, 1600, 1583)
home+decor - 10.04.06 -
tech - 10.03.06 -
Hot pink looks better on Hulger than it does on Barbie. I was surprised these guys manage to pull of a hot pink email newsletter that is nearly painful… yet a pleasure to browse/read. Anyhow, i’ve been in love with the images of their products for a while, perhaps someday i’ll actually play with one. From bluetooth to corded headsets, these great vintage phone designs even have bases for your old school skypeing/treoing. And the bluetooth models just got upgraded with bluetooth 2.0~