playful - 06.19.09 -
On fun eco-friendly toys i stumbled upon while toy shopping recently (and then had to buy to share!) ~ Check out this E-Racer (the name is also hilarious) ~ made from cut bamboo tubes, it’s cute to see how closely it keeps its form! It claims that it is “Naturally fun” and made with bamboo, water based colors, and renewable materials (i assume they mean the metal screws and the plasticy exhaust, and rubbery wheels)… the packaging was horrible, so if i ever end up gifting one of these to a kid, will definitely unwrap it first! See an unboxing and more close up pics of these adorable eco-race cars on the next page!
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tech - 06.15.09 -
Beauty in Technology post series sponsored by Samsung’s new LED TVs! Post #1 of 6 in this new weekly series exploring random beauty in technology, NOTCOT style.
While back in Singapore i happened across some tiny transistor radios tucked away in my dad and grandmother’s various drawers… the first one was exciting enough… then it was like an easter egg hunt, i just kept finding more! Luckily he was amused enough by my fascination to let me bring them home and photograph them to share with you! The tiniest details are so cool ~ from the fonts to the patterns to the pendants dangling off some of the smaller ones. For reference, that little sony is like 2” wide! I have yet to get them working yet ~ actually while writing this, just got distracted and managed to get a few open (so pics of the insides on the next page too!) ~ and looks like i’d need some interestingly sized batteries… SO, visual research on the next page, and my question to you ~ do you know more about these? Any fun stories of having these as a kid, etc? See the gallery of close ups and insides on the next page!
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playful - 06.14.09 -
There is something undeniably amusing about dragons… and girl scouts? Especially when put together by Amanda Visell and her Switcheroo! Unfortunately i was still in NY when the big Dragon Scout vinyl toy release and party went down, but i was giddy to come home to a surprise package from her with one of the Green Dragon Scouts ~ with one girl scout freaking out, and one in its belly, and a little fire! Take a peek at these two taking over my pool table, the gorgeous packaging, and a peek at the customs made just for the show on the next page!
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design - 06.13.09 -
Is it possible to completely fall for the way someone sees the world? Because i want to live in the world that Kevin Dart has created for Yuki 7 - filled with non-stop jetsetting adventures through the 60’s where “everyone should be SUPER cute” in adorable bikinis and gorgeous clothes and armed to the teeth while relaxing and calculating devious schemes and brilliantly daring escapes in mid-century modern furniture if not laying on the beach. If these feel familiar, we did an amazing giveaway of the series of 4 Yuki 7 posters over the holidays. (I’m still jealous of Jory for winning!)
Seductive Espionage: The World of Yuki 7 - This is the second book from Fleet Street Scandal ~ it is built around the fictitious world of Yuki 7 ~ and they brought together some incredible artist friends to help bring her story to life. From an awesome action packed trailer (you may have seen as .org # 22010 - but its also on the next page!) ~ to absolutely stunning interpretations of this silver screen siren. See a peek at the t-shirt and into the book on the next page!
Can someone please turn this into an animated series or movies? It’s as if they pulled out my favorite parts of the old Bond films that the new ones lack… just add some mind blowing gadgets in perhaps?
I totally flipped out seeing a quote from myself on the back cover! Definitely a NOTCOT first, and i’m so honored to be there! The doodle and signature/note inside the book also made my heart skip a beat… See the pics on the next page already!
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food+drink - 06.11.09 -
I’m learning to love twitter… at first it drove me insane, but now it connects me with incredible new people… and its been intriguing to see what people and brands are doing with it… latest fascinating (and seemingly awesomely successful) experiment comes from Macallan. Granted i’m biased, Macallan 18yr has been my favorite go to for a few years now (while cocktails are fun, its my default if available)… but what they set up is really pretty fun! Here’s the setup: Macallan’s brand ambassador @livingthedram (Graeme Russell) teamed up with the Michelin-starred chef Ed Brown of Eighty One in NY for the ultimate Macallan Tasting ~ all live tweeted and projected on the wall!!! And while i nearly moved my flight to make the dinner ~ but being twitter and all, they were kind enough to send samples over for me to taste along with them! Unfortunately my timing still sucked a little, but first thing i did when i got home was grab some food, and start catching up on the #macallan tweets - and taste along with them!
On the next page, check out some pictures of the event, the samples (so fun to see the color differences alongside one another!), and a selection of my favorite tweets (yes, i totally read my way backwards through the whole event to catch up!).
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home+decor - 06.08.09 -
So after doing the beach thing, i realized i really needed to sit down and do some work between all the running around i’ve been doing in NY! And i guess the Ace Hotel New York really must feel pretty homey, because i ended up calling up and booking a few nights there to nurse my sunburn and curl up with my laptop to catch up. Of course while here, as the soft opening evolves, i noticed even more awesome typographic details (i also didn’t have a chance to show you other rooms i poked around in last time as well!). In addition to what you saw of my room last time… here is a focus on the typographic details i’m obsessing on… instead of a smeg fridge i have one of the mini-fridges in a roadie case… and i LOVE the NOW/NOT NOW magnet (yes! the doors are magnetic!)… and this DESK is fabulous. I want one at home, so nice how it overlooks the bed too so i can still look out the window and work here all day long… so go see the pics on the next page already!
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I don’t do roundups nearly regularly enough ~ so here’s a few random pics that amused me as i wandered back over what we’ve been up to over at NOTCOT.org the last week… as usual - click the images to find out more!
I’m not sure how much you’ve noticed, or how much you follow, but its been a crazy few months ~ a lot of big behind the scenes transitions happened here at NOTCOT, and in a nutshell i’m more on my own than ever running the network at the moment, and i’ve been traveling a bit and chatting with a lot of fun folks as i try to figure out where to take things next! The group of NOTCOT sites has grown more than i could have ever dreamed over the last few quick years! SO, for those who ARE playing close attention ~ yes the style of content here on NOTCOT.com has been bouncing around a bit as i figure things out, and mostly i’m sticking to writing about what inspires and amuses me, which for the moment while exploring NYC has been a bit more on the luxe/event side of things, and bouncing between hotels and friends, i haven’t had the time/space to do those product review/photoshoots as much as usual, but no worries, i hear there are a pile of packages waiting in LA for that, so back to more regularly schedule programming soon? I’ll be heading back to LA Weds!
Part of my figuring things out personally means running around and exploring and reminding myself what it is that really drive and inspires me, and re-evaluating what’s out there, and what awesomness we should be finding, making, sharing here on the NOTCOT sites! So, on mixing things up ~ i jumped out of the many meetings and super-city feeling running around in NYC and joined an old high school friend at his friend’s beach house in Milford, CT this weekend ~ and after so much city, i think private beach relaxing with a bunch of fun new drama/theatre folks was *just* what i needed to get things in perspective. So take a peek, at my weekend reset ~ i’ll be in NY a few more days, than back to catch up and design + beach overdosing LA style soon…
THANK YOU so much for supporting me, and the sites the last few years ~ it’s been so much fun! And so incredibly inspiring to meet and chat with many of you ~ seeing the incredible things you readers make is really so fun to wake up to every day!
The full moon over the water this weekend was just AMAZING. See the pics next page…
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home+decor - 06.03.09 -
So, as i’m sure you may have picked up by now, i’ve been back in NY at a not so designy conference and checking out some random events (like polo and Aston Martin) ~ and some guy wrote in criticizing my lack of “quirky posts about cleverly designed knick knacks” ~ while personally, i find the cut in half aston martin very quirky and cleverly designed… i also found some pics just before i left of my little Staples shopping spree with regards to their new OXO for Staples exclusive line of office products! You may have seen them over at NOTCOT.org #21648 earlier, but you’ve got to check them out up close too! I love the line, particularly the little magnets ~ all products have the signature OXO rubbery grippiness, and clean solid designs. The scissors i hadn’t realized have a little switch where upon flipping it they can close till the tips CROSS - switching into BOXCUTTER mode! Genius really… also, watch out if you ever see someone running at you with closed scissors… So take a look on the next page to see close ups of the ones i purchased, as well as the POS displays… apparently pens and highlighters are even on the way!
Here’s a $5 off $15 coupon too! expires 6/15/09.
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playful - 06.02.09 -
I don’t do conferences often, but i do get curious how marketers and advertisers view sites like this ~ and its always fun to hang out with my Federated Media friends! Anyhow, while checking out the FM Conversational Marketing Summit i felt determined to find something visually amusing/inspiring while here ~ and it ended up being in the form of the Golden Xylophone that the Millenium Broadway hotel guys walk through breaks and lunch playing as they tell you that you should basically… go away! Ok, so less go away, more go back to your talks… So i brought the camera to lunch and waited for them to chase us out, and this guy was fast! and zig zagging! But i tracked him down and got some pics of his instrument for you… really i think it should either be the gold one with a guy dressed in gold on rollerskates with wings or something… or they should let a little kid run through playing a colorful one… but none the less, it was bizarre and amusing, and i’m curious… is this a common occurrence? I suppose its far nicer than a loudspeaker… Oh! And it looks like he used a wine cork on a stick, but he moved too much for me to get a good pic of it…
Also the Hudson Theater is gorgeous! Bizarre to have tech talks amidst the lush red velvet curtains and incredibly ornate ceilings! More pics of both on the next page…
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travel - 05.30.09 -
It was a gorgeous day in NY to take the VIP ferry out to Governor’s Island for my first official polo match/picnic. Granted this was no ordinary day in the park ~ since there was much buzz with Prince Harry playing, Marc Jacobs and Madonna wandering around, and never ending Veuve Clicquot flowing at the second annual Veuve Clicquot Manhattan Polo Classic. The views were absolutely stunning ~ the manhattan skyline peeking out from behind the game, endless smatterings Pantone 137c between the lush green grass and perfectly clouded blue skies, and amusing people watching with lots of “daring hats” as requested. Take a peek at the experience on the next page…
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gratis - 05.29.09 -
I’m in NY! Again! And one of the events i’m really looking forward to is the Creativity and Technology (CaT) conference on Weds! SO ~ here’s the question:
1. Are you CREATIVE?
2. Are you in NY?
3. Are you free Weds - June 3?
Leave a comment (one entry per person!) with what speaker you’re excited about~ and on Monday morning i’ll pick 2 lucky winners to come hang out and be inspired at CaT!
The official description is “CaT is a gathering of brand creativity professionals and tech-side development companies for a discussion of furthering creativity through technology. Both conference and trade show, CaT gives creatives, producers and marketers the chance to see what’s coming next, to get the big picture from thought leaders across a range of creative and technology areas — and learn, hands-on, about the latest technologies driving the best work.” ~ but really, take a look at the agenda ~ it’s one of the first i’ve been excited to check out in a while! Awesome lineup, sounds like a fun take on things…
… and to get your creative juices flowing, check out the conference opening video by Mekanism on the next page!
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tech - 05.27.09 -
A Rolls Royce engineer’s wife mentions that she doesn’t know where to put her purse when she’s in the car. Solution? A purse pop out section of the back seat complete with wings to support the width of the purse, and as soon as it senses your purse, it automatically has a piece that slides up to give it a little squeeze and hold it in place. Yes! I’m serious. There’s a video on the next page to show you. And in case you are wondering, their design team is a tiny 10 person team in the UK, and the only woman is their color & trim specialist.
Ok so to backtrack a bit ~ this morning i was invited to the Rolls Royce 200EX preview in Beverly Hills. This concept car launched in Geneva and is currently making its worldwide debut city by city ~ and will go into production in 2010. While i’ve never quite been a Rolls kind of girl, i was impressed with the details, and it was fascinating to see and hear the design stories. So for this post, we’ll focus on the details, and work out to the car and event itself through pictures on the next page…
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