home+decor - 10.02.07 -
Piegato by MRDO Products is the bookshelf both my future studio and past dorm room need. As a “sheet steel rack with a surprisingly high load capacity, this laser cut and powder coated sheet steel” has been kept as simple as possible, allowing for YOU to choose which you use as shelves and which as magnetic boards. All you need are two screws to hold it up - it bends easily by hand - and comes in one flat sheet! It weighs in at a light 8kg, and is 100cm x 66cm x 2cm. Comes in black, white, and gold. I even love that they have a little video of it from unboxing to filling the shelves. We’ve seen quite a few sheet steel bending products coming through, but so far this one is the first i actually would love a few of.
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*Swoon* Just got a press release in my inbox saying: “A new kitchen especially designed for men – Miele exclusive supplier of appliances - Poggenpohl presents first Porsche Design kitchen - Herford/Stuttgart. Porsche Design Group and Poggenpohl Möbelwerke GmbH present their first co-designed kitchen P’7340. The kitchen is distinguished for its innovative framework, purist styling and high-quality materials. Kitchen appliances maker Miele & Cie. KG will be the exclusive supplier of all fitted electric appliances.”
Firstly, it cracks me up that they say its for men. Is that sexist? Either way, just b/c its nice and minimal should not make it manly. I want it. It screams calm, organized, and controlled to me. Check out more images below, as well as the full press release with more of their justifications on how this is male oriented and the various materials used and the history of the companies collaboration.
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design - 10.01.07 -
What to do with all of those retro toys laying around? Well Ken Keirns seems to have found the perfect use for these Fisher Price Toy TV’s (a little ebay research shows that these are from the 60’s and tended to play a few songs when buttons were pushed ~ and bids are all under $10 ~ often even under $5!). After the jump are a few of Ken’s pieces which showed at the Hot Babes In Toyland Show 2007, Chicago, IL. Above are two that will be part of Subtext’s “The Witching Hour” show which is opening on October 5th.
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Chocolate combined with beautifully sculpted animals AND proceeds to aid WSPA, the world society for the protection of animals? That fits what we’re all about pretty perfectly. Walteria Living’s Endangered Species Chocolates designed by Kathleen Walsh and Anita Mothersbaugh are part of their new HMS (her majesty’s ship) Collection. Each box contains a Pygmy Hippopotamus, Mountain Gorilla, and Koala Bear. The series makes reference to consumption with an emphasis on conservation education. See close ups below for the incredible attention to detail in these chocolates, as much as i may love chocolate, these may just be too beautiful to consume.
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The novelty of seeing NOTCOT in print has still yet to wear off. It makes me giddy ~ maybe thats showing my age, but print still has that effect on me. HUGE thanks to Corey who emailed in while i was in Philly that NOTCOT got a tiny mention in the October 2007 issue of Entrepreneur - Rumor Has It section… managed to snag a copy while waiting around for hours at the Philly airport. No i’m not one of their Young Millionaires (yet. at 24, i’m running out of time i suppose though!)… but designer Ren Moulton (seen cozying up with his chew toy) did list us as one of the product blogs he visits! And it was in bold print in a larger font… so as tiny a mention, it’s big in its own literal way.
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While on the perfect ties for my guy hunt… while writing up that last bit on Prep & Pauper… i was discussing with a friend some of our favorite ties, and got reminded of Psycho Bunny… which of course had me hunting over at NotCouture to find it (#062!), and then i discovered NEW Psycho Bunny ties at Neiman Marcus! How NotCouture is that saftey pin one? I love their classic bunny skulls, but the safety pin tie is my new favorite tie of the moment. More pics below of the classic minis, and the striped.
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Prep & Pauper ~ As part of the super crafty philly trip (it seemed like an etsy-fest). One of the local designers we dined with was Nicolas Newbold who is part manny (yes, male nanny), construction worker, ex-PR NYer, kid who ran around in a lacoste polo with the collar popped while sporting vans and a skateboard… etc etc etc. You get the point. He also has an obsession with ties, from patterns to silk weights to thicknesses… so as a company that started with a name and no purpose, Prep & Pauper naturally became a tie line. Interesting random tidbits to note before jumping into the overdose of pictures below? He claims to lack the ability to draw, but has hand drawn and learned illustrator to master all of these doodles seen on the ties ~ sews each and every bag by hand, and tapes them shut just for you. AND? I have a sneak peak for you of his upcoming Wailer print. Also, for all of you who are big on ties, let me know what you think of his patterns compared to those like Vineyard Vines, J.McLaughlin, Hermes, etc… because the comparisons keep coming up, and pulling up some of those they do seem a tad similar.
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design - 09.30.07 -
Click the images to see more! Here are some of my personal favorite from NOTCOT.org ~ those laptop sleeves by Working Class Heroes actually made me give in and register on Etsy to buy two… (more on that soon probably, they are my obsession of the night having just gotten back to LA from Philly). Also Marian Bantjes post on her latest work: the Saks Fifth Avenue “Want It!” Campaign… is the most adorably inspiring post i’ve seen in a long time, not to mention the work itself is incredible. Her calligraphic pieces showed up in everything from emails and brochures, to window displays, carpets, and 3d sculptures.
Click the images to see more! While rounding things up ~ here are some of Shade Elaine’s choice picks from NotCouture!
Click the images to see more!. Mmmmmm. Cinnamon Rolls. Ok this weeks roundup ~ i wanted to give you guys a little insight on how hard editing submissions can sometimes become. When i started TasteSpotting, the vision was to create a gorgeously drool worthy space filled with delectable delights… and we were excited to have ANY submissions at all. But as with all things, evolution is inevitable… and scaling, necessary. So as the visual/designy side of the site (and yes, we all know i’m quite the newbie when it comes to food)… trends have become even more apparent on TasteSpotting than any of the others lately, and it’s put editing in a hard place. For example… this week, EVERYONE seems to be cooking delicious cinnamon rolls! 5 of the posts are up there, and even more were in submissions that didn’t make it up… this is where it is no longer a problem about whether the image and post are things we love, but whether it is interesting and stand out enough as a Cinnamon Roll post. Because as you can imagine, a front page of 30 cinnamon roll pictures isn’t exactly what people come to TasteSpotting to see. Other trends? Last week mooncakes were showing up in full force. Then there was the heirloom tomato trend before that. Pomegranates have been popular lately too. Basically when a trend organically appears, we try not to let it take over the site TOO much, and the standards tend to raise on that theme. Anyhow, i just wanted to let you all know, and see whether people had any ideas or opinions on how we should handle this. Our goal is to showcase some of the most beautiful and interesting selections of links daily to whet your palate… how do we handle the possibility of having TOO MANY posts a day? Is there such a thing?
design - 09.28.07 -
As you all know by now i find inspiration and amusement in some of the randomest of things. Tonight it was the North Bowl’s NEON SIGN. I even made an 8 second video of it in action so you can fall for it too. And no. I didn’t even get to step foot into this barely a year old swanky loungey bowling joint. I was at the Conspiracy Showroom across the way meeting all the lovely designer ladies though. But back to the sign. How cool is it? (Watch video below before responding.)
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design - 09.27.07 -
I forgot to mention why i’m in philly for the weekend ~ i was invited by the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation (what a mouthful) for a weekend of Philadelphia Architecture, Fashion, & Design. And to be honest i haven’t spent much time at all here, so should be an interesting exploration of the city. Since i’m quite spent, and don’t have energy to share the itinerary at the moment, how about i give you all a peek at the goodies in the welcome bag, and some of the great packaging the designers used? My usual quick hotel bed photoshoot style pics below!
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On strange days ~ i woke up at 6am in LA, jumped on a flight at LAX by 9… didn’t take off for well over an hour after that (which was a result of mechanical issues, followed by what i only later found out to be a 30 min delay b/c VP Cheney was taking off at the same time)… end up hanging out at the airport in philly for a while, end up on a shuttle full of dieticians… then find myself at the gorgeous Rae Restaurant at the new Cira Center… and now i’m curled up in a big plushy bed at the Ritz Carlton Philadelphia. So before i can process everything, here’s a random post to show you the bizarrely lush world of the philly ritz around me right now… things to note? The over the top Chocolate Thursday Nights… with a lobby filled with choc fountains, etc. And this cloud of comfiness of a giant bed to work from. And the beautiful glass dome in the lobby.
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