PRICKIE! Perfect name for what seems to be one of the most beautifully designed unique/artistic button sites, no? Must go check it out, it was my “how have i not seen this before!” find of the day - my source of inspiration for the moment that sent me launching off into sites of designers i found through their fabulous buttons. I love how the images load into the blank button, and all have the 3d effect subtly helping them POP.
The Art Office in Indio (yes, home of Coachella) - has been making these incredible structures out in the desert - that are much like enormous popsicle stick art. “WOOD SCREEN CYLINDER AT JOSHUA TREE
Our proposal seeks to transform and record the colors, light, and landscape of the desert through a folding, geometrically manipulated, structural wood screen cylinder created from a very simple, readily available, construction-based module: a douglas fir surveyor stake.” Phillip Smith, one of their principals emailed us about this gorgeous project, and you certainly need to go see more. I wish i had a screen like that in my house! Or it would be perfect in those SF Bay windows!
design - 04.05.06 -
At a time when american airlines are charging for basic meals and sandwiches, leg room seems to be shrinking, plane upkeep is lacking… JetBlue soars ahead with adding more “luxury” features… and this time in an interesting move with Bliss (the fun blue branded spa line, whose spas are in many a W hotel) to supply coast to coast travellers with a little bit more R&R… the “buh bye red eye, hello shut eye” kit. Read more about it in the Post article.
playful - 04.04.06 -
Wow. Ok you may want to read this while looking at the full entry (aka click the finish reading link first)… b/c there are more images there. This is PitGreen = from my standpoint it sort of seems like Stikfas meets mini-mini-golf meets german design. From the looks of this incredible video the German accessories manufacturer, Koizol, is producing these silly little golfing wonders. I honestly can’t believe i hadn’t heard of this earlier - Designersblock is even having a PitGreen Competition during the Salone in Milano on the 9th of this month! It is apparently a crazy mini-trend sweeping europe. They have gorgeous packaging (see image below) - and exclusive Grim Reaper-esque 150 limited ed pieces through Charles and Marie right now - but honestly the potential to dress up your white one with a black sharpie and some imagination seems more intruiging.
p.s. any german readers want to help cover design trends and amusement from europe for us? Apparently there is much we have been missing!
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Mark Ho pretty much apprenticed in Amsterdam with a metalworking artisan for 6 years to make this incredible little guy. With joints that mimick every motion of the human body, yet still emotionally and artistically human feeling - the ZOHO is pretty incredible… not a detail out of place, and cast in purely bronze and sterling silver. All parts are handmade - take a look at the specs: Height: 16.93” (43 cm), Weight: 13.2 lb (6 kg), Number of parts: 920 (of which 101 are found in each hand), Number of mobile parts: 85. This first artform will be limited to 25 sculptures. I can’t wait to see what happens when this type of craftsmanship meets the brains of something like the Robosapien!
Great article from the Craftsmanship Museum.
wearable - 04.03.06 -
Noticed this at The Future Perfect in Brooklyn, then again at Propeller in Hayes Valley, SF, and then recently popping up in mags and design sites- Kiel Mead’s Forget Me Knot ring is another piece that casts an everyday object/idea into precious metals (sterling silver or gold). He’s an undergrad Pratt ID student. You’ve also probably seen his bent keys rings around - which remind me a lot of that bent spoon/fork handle jewelry you see at art fairs.
note to self: need one of these to remind me not to forget things i see wandering around for notcot.
If there was ever an award for “best marketing imagery for a kitty litter box” this would take the cake. Wow. Look at that girl… that girl sitting on a litter box. Is there really much that needs to be said here?
On a more design oriented note - Kattbank a really interesting concept, and i’d love to hear some cat owners views if you try it out. Check out schematics for use after the jump. It discretely puts the cat’s litter box in a bench like piece of furniture (that yes, even drunk girls at parties may sit on) - and has air vents, easy cleaning opening on the top, a grate on the bottom to help get the little bits of litter off… perfect no? But what about cats? What if they don’t like being sat upon while going to the bathroom… and as for having it in a central place, how do you block out that scratching sound they make? [via d*s and far to fascinating]
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Ah the appeal of laser cut plastic. Also from Fuzz Design Workshop, seems like a fun line when you just aren’t quite which sure gift says “bon voyage” the right way.
Ooh - reminds me of the 12 monkeys poster (you know - sci-fi white with red barrel of monkeys imagery?)… From Fuzz Design Workshop these fun aussie pieces are another to add to our collection of playful kid inspired luxury jewelry pieces… singlecast powdercoated monkeys in red/black/silver mirror. Fun piece, whether you loved barrel of monkeys, just like the image, see it as a symbol from the film, or just want to playfully adorn yourself with this cute necklace/bracelet! Thanks to the cool hunter.
design - 04.02.06 -
“thats why i copy and paste, into your folder, the folder with your name, it’d be more than i could take if i just told you how i feel…” Such a cute song/video! Song by Plastic Operator and incredible Motion graphics artist BitState.
Read my old grad school friend’s site, Christian who had this cute entry “More than one year ago, when I started working in London I met two very nice guys. One was in a duo electro-pop and the other a very talented motion-graphic designer. After having heard the song “Folder” from Mat, the musician, I instantly thought how much a lovely song like that could have success if represented from a very nice and funny video. The only person I knew that would have been able to do was Pete, so I introduced the guys to each other with the hope that one day that thought would have come reality. After many months of dealing with the label that published the song and some very interesting preliminary sketches, the movie has been finished. I didn’t put any effort on its development but I’m still proud that my senses pushed me to make this guys meet. Enjoy this master piece! “
Muji Design Award! Muji is one of those companies that continues to inspire me - and Fukasawa is one of the judges! “The theme is “SUMI”.
The objective is not to design something that is placed in the middle of the room, but towards the edges, not at the centre and not directly around the centre; you should look for somewhere that evades the eye, send us an object designed for that place, and name it as you wish. We are not asking for any particular genre, it could be anything from furniture, stationery and office equipment, to everyday items.” So grab your sketchbook already!
design - 04.01.06 -
Yosoh sent some sweet pics in from his solo show recently. In case you are not familiar with his work, he does gorgeous digital prints on ceramics! A very unique blend of mediums old and new. His description of the process “Creating and collecting images, I scan them into the computer and manipulate them to fit the concept. The new image is output onto transparent film that acts as a stencil for transferring the image to a silk-screen. Glaze is then used (instead of ink) to print the image on to a slab of clay. Once completely dry the slabs are fired. Producing an image that will stand the test of time indoor or outdoor.” Fascinating. Pretty too.
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What luck that in my last hour in SF, driving along Hayes looking for parking by Jermacide’s new place, we saw a store that we swore wasn’t there the day before… and had to stop and go see if we were insane… Timbuk2’s first retail/showcase space opened yesterday. This SF brand of messenger bags (and now totes, laptop bags, designer/artist bags, and accessories cases) has been around since 1989 and their signature yellow swirl logo is an icon many recognize. It was nice to get to see so many of their more unique products in person, in one beautifully arranged space.
playful - 03.31.06 -
The packaging looks just like those little Kubrick Toys, etc… but it has a hole that calls to you, calls to you to stick your finger in and feel the soft “comforting” thing inside… which ends up seeming like a sausage shaped hacky sack? And apparently you can get your logo embroidered on them, or have your own tag on it, and also customize the box for schwag. It comforts your hand? Or can be juggled? Someone explain, please. But they are cute and Swedish and have interesting packaging. And puzzled me enough to put it up. Smakompisar
So stencilling and street art for the masses is here - Stencil 1 is like Stencil 101 for the lazy. When you can’t figure out how to take your favorite image, stencilize it, take your x-acto knife to some cardboard, and THEN take the canister to the streets (or your wall, shirt, skateboard, neighbor’s car, etc)… you’re lucky that you have Stencil 1. While i bash it, or more the laziness it encourages or takes advantage of, its a smart idea! And for those who are too lazy for even just buying stencils, they also have preprinted shirts and buttons. Also, for those unclear on how to USE a stencil, i love their little How To (as seen above).