*NOTCOT in tech -

Black Tie

Happy 10th bday to Palm. They are releasing this special “Black Tie” edition of the Treo 650 (which i guess is only something us GSM folk can crave, since everyone else has moved on to the 700 and 700p?) - bundled with this hardcase and a stylus. My focus here is actually more on the hardcase, when i first got the treo back in december, i couldn’t find ANY cases i actually liked - then at CES the palm rep had this great case i loved - and then shattered my excitment by telling me it was just a prototype… but there it is. Something about that sleek look of it just gets me.

*NOTCOT in me -

American Way Magazine

I’m sitting here blushing. Just got a phone call from some friends flying out to DC, “we saw NOTCOT in a magazine!”. And then in came a pdf of the article… So back in January, Jenna Schnuer, called wanting to do a quick phone interview about NOTCOT, for American Way (the American Airlines in-flight mag)… that doesn’t seem like that long ago, but reading this little blurb and seeing how far we came SINCE, is pretty incredible, and to have something in real print (not this internet print) is just exciting. Lets see, a quick recap - since this interview, we now have well over twice as many readers, had the big redesign and launched the gallery in the tags, launched NOTCOT.org, started our own consulting/freelance studio (website in the making, email for involvement/info), launched NOTed, and have had an incredible time doing it all. So thanks, and click the pic to read the article! [American Way, June 15th, 2006]… so, since January, has our “addiction factor” grown stronger?

*NOTCOT in home+decor - 06.19.06 -

Cucumber Lab

The founders of CucumberLab, Ben Blanc and Andrew Reed, are RISD Furniture Design Alumni, and when asked about their design philosophy they told me “Objects are about connection. We try to find stories from the past to help guide us in our own formation of stories told through the object today, in hopes that these new tales will become relevant to our future. It’s intriguing that generations can have a different, while at the same time very similar perspective over a single thought or idea.” In a time where technology is flying past us, trans-generational designs are key. Even though i already featured this dynamic duo below, their goods were worth of a second post. With this Flow lamp, they create a contemporary perspective on vintage lighting using found materials (is that a bundt pan?) . These Bling rings come in 24K gold plated and polished stainless steel and are available in 5 iconic styles, for any mood. (These three were my favs.)

*NOTCOT in tech -

CL Sound Machine

Designed by the Cucumber Lab, this incredible object is the CL Sound Machine. It seems reminiscent of an overhead projector, mailbox, and gramophone to me. The fusion of the familiar to create something so beautiful and still functional - certainly qualifies as drool worthy design. “Beats emanate from our sound projecting, music machine with automated transitional glass for direct visual surveillance of one’s finest wines. It features high gloss finish, 12 bottle wine-liquor storage, Smart Glass technology, direct drive digital record player, 5 disc slim line cd player, universal mp3 player and stand, 200 watt rmf mono bridged amplifier, 8” subwoofer, and 42-25,000 Hz range.” Hyperventilating slightly? Me too. I want one. And you haven’t even seen the interior yet… after the jump.

TO PAGE 2 of "CL Sound Machine"! ----->

*NOTCOT in me -


Ok so Sunday was a bit nuts for us over here at NOTCOT… we launched NOTed (which i am a bit eager about, and am loving the feedback i’ve been getting so far - but would love to hear from the rest of you too! Do you love/hate it? want more? help us spread it around, we want to know what people think!)

… as also sent out our first test email to the list (and seeing as i have minimal PHPlist and html email experience this was a big nervous step for me) - so everyone on the list, if you didn’t get it - EMAIL ME. And if you aren’t on the list yet - well go here and get on it. We won’t spam you, we’ll keep it to things that would make us smile when we open our inbox.

*NOTCOT in design -

Gas Stations

This is one of many in Ralf Peters’ Tankstellen series of photographs, and its sureal perspective on gas stations is eerie and gorgeous, and makes you wonder if this is the future of the gas station… [via vvork]

*NOTCOT in design -


This is WOW. Breathtakingly amusing and mesmerizing - and it calls out to my black and white loving, collage addicted, animal/anatomy curious sides. It is so gorgeous. I do not really get who/what/where or why, but WOW. GO check out NFCTD. And while i do not advocate flash normally, loving this use of it… and for those who are too rushed to wander and click - the tab key is your friend. [via Core77]

*NOTCOT in me - 06.18.06 -

NOTED #001

announcement.jpgAnnouncing NOTed, NOTcot EDitorials - Everything from Vampire Rings + Bullet Zipper Pulls + Elephants + Flowered Skateboards to Gnomes. In NOTed, instead of recycling what we find on the internet, we’ve taken some of the best of NOTCOT mixed with the photography of Jackson Stakeman and the illustrations of Shade Elaine. We do more than just scour the world for inspiration constantly - all our posts inspire us too, so I figured it was about time we showed you a little bit of our “real” passion! Enjoy, spread the word, and I’d love the feedback.

*NOTCOT in me - 06.17.06 -


myspacenotcot.jpgHey kids, its that crazy kind of friday, where i swear yesterday was monday. Yes, it really has been that busy! So many new adventures beginning, and so many loose ends being tied up… and in between it all, that pesky Google has convinced me to fix up this myspace page i’ve neglected for so long… (basically, it was coming up so high when you googled ‘notcot’, figured might as well clean it up)… so during a phone call earlier, i got bored and started tweaking it - and so i’m jumping on the bandwagon and publicly announcing its existence. Add us if you want, it looks sad with so few friends!

Oh, and on a more productive note - this might be a great way for me to get some basic news out to all of you - or a place for you to submit sweet ideas+images via the comments… but lets take it slow… and see how things go.

p.s. what should i put on the page?

*NOTCOT in tech -

Sweatshop Free for Avatars

virtualAA.jpgNews Flash! American Apparel Store opening today! (Yes, we know it feels like one opens somewhere everyday)… opens on a private island… a private island in Second Life. Second Life, being a virtual environment. (and this store is designed in colaboration with AA’s own architect) Is this where we get philosophical? If your avatars and their little world don’t know what it feels like to be overworked, and underpaid - do they care if they wear sweatshop free clothing? Can they drive SUV’s without scrutiny since it is a virtual automobile running on virtual gas in a virtual world? Or do they have new problems - like stunted resolution by bandwidth limitations - or… i dunno, keeping their world spam free? Shrug* I’m not a big player in all of the goldmining possibilities of what you can place value on in those worlds yet - but it sure makes you think. Digression aside, your Second Life avatars can now be sweatshop free in AA just like you! And thats what it really comes down to when you spend that dollar, right? [via Springwise]

*NOTCOT in wearable - 06.16.06 -

Day Lab Goodness

It’s been a while since a decent necklace post - and these over at Day Lab were oh so cute. So first we have the Trees of Giant Jewels. They also have great apples. And next is the Baby Octupus by Little Ghost Designs. Doesn’t it remind you exactly of this ancient post pic? And then finally there is the large Brass Octopus by Amy Shutt. It has some wicked eyes and tentacles…

*NOTCOT in design -

Ceramic Babies

These ceramic babies are kind of scary. Yet incredibly detailed and beautiful. Work of Shigeki Hayashi will be exhibitting through jun-jul at Dream Creation, kobe, japan. For a wealth of images. [via DesignBoom]

*NOTCOT in design -

Love Pics

lovepics.jpgThere’s a new e-zine - LOVE PICS! - its pretty, its Italian, and it has 101 flashy glossy pages to blow your mind away. In particular the work of Fabio Catapano (aka licoszen) grabbed me. Check out this fab “happiness is illegal” image… The others were fun as well - my only complaint is i too much flash! It felt like it took me a year to flip through the pages… i miss paper. or even pdf in this case? But pretty stuff - so still worth checking out. And don’t be silly, just b/c its Italian doesn’t mean it doesn’t want your contributions! So submit away, and convince them to tone down the flash a smidge?

*NOTCOT in design - 06.15.06 -

Mixed USB Tapes?

Alice Wang first brought us Pet Plus… and it was mind opening and hilarious all at once… AND some are actually going into production!

Well now she has launched Audio Sticks - a project re-evaluating the future of the way people obtain, listen and distribute music. Likening tapes to USB keys - she raises the question of whether these tiny keys will be the future of mixed tapes. The device would have a column of USB slots ready for your music - and the volume and track selection is along the side (see close up below) - and speakers along the side. As well as the packaging and imagery on the keys themselves. Take a look at the other images below.

TO PAGE 2 of "Mixed USB Tapes?"! ----->

*NOTCOT in home+decor -


Can you believe this is the “highchair for modern life”? Take a look at the Calla Chair (like the lily?) by Yves Behar for Fleurville… neoprene seat (comfort, easy cleaning, kids won’t slide right out) - telescoping height adjustment - enamel coated flute - sturdy aluminum base. So pretty. [via Luxist]

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